Friday, August 29, 2008

Obama's Speech!

I just watched Obama's speech on YOUTUBE from last night and thought it was pretty damn good. He pointed out some really important differences between him and McCaine and made a very compelling argument for himself in a way that even a high school drop out from the bible belt could understand. In the past I think the reason George W was able to get elected (assuming the electino was not stolen which it probably was!!!!) was because he spoke to the lowest common denomenator, so while Al Gore would actually answer the question in a debate and provide extremely relevent statistics to back up his opinion, George Bush would say something like, "I'm for America, and America is great!" and then win public opinion somehow. Obama is able to speak in a simple way and generalize complex issues to their purest form which is very very important. The way he aligned McCaine with Bush was great (90% of the time McCaine has voted with Bush, do you want to elect someone who brings a 10% chance of change?).

He also confronted the current adminstrations failures head on, no punches pulled and he made some really good points that were targeted to the swing voters when he did a pre-emptive counter attack to what is sure to be McCaine's stragety when he said that we are all patriots regardless of what side we are on and that the election should be about the larger direction of the country, not arbitrary social issues.

My only knock on Obama is he doesn't get very specific in speeches like Hilary did when she would outline her plans. But I've been to his website and there is more specific info there and my brother has friends that have worked with him and he has assured me his speaking in generalities is merely a strategic thing. It certainly worked for George Bush who spoke more generalities than an abstract Haiku poet!

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