Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Paranormal Time (8/27/07)

I've been noticing a trend for the last few years, basically every week there are several UFO sightings that get covered in local legit publications across the country. These sightings rarely get national attention. Just search google or yahoo news with the keyword "ufo" once a week and you'll see what I'm talking about, a lot of legit articles that don't get picked up by mainstream press also include interviews with whistleblowers that never get picked up either.

I'd say about once a month there will be a really large sighting that gains a little mainstream attention. Recently in England there was a big sighting where a couple hundred people outside of a bar spent around 30 mins watching UFO's. At Chicago's airport there also a big sighting a few months ago.

Since UFO's are real thing to me, the 'real' news I'm now looking for are evidence of either the Governments intentions on releasing information, or the intentions UFO's have on humans. In other words, I will be a lot pickier in sending out news links since there are so many minor ones!!!

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