Wednesday, August 27, 2008


well, I finally have cable! it was a very confusing and frustrating process, but now that I can watch the 'I Love New York' marathon on VH1, it was all worth it, well not really but what can you do?

As of my last blog, things got a bit stranger with comcast. When I last left off, they were scheduled to come to my house on Saturday to give us cable.

On Thursday evening, unbeknownst to me, there were 5 comcast workers outside our house shooting the shit in spanish. When my wife saw them she asked what they were doing. They said in brocken English, "Line already laid" and then they pointed at thier watch to indicate it was past thier work hours. Very strange since that was the 3rd person to say the cable was laid!

Did they send out 5 employees who could barely speak English to be messengers in case my wife just happened to ask what they were doing? I have no idea.

But I do know this. At 10am on Friday morning there was another group of 5 Comcast dudes digging up our front yard in our little garden. Good thing they never asked our permission to tear up our yard? And why would they do that if the cable was supposedly already laid? You'd think a communications company would be good at communications but all they are good at is mind fucking you!

Finally the 'real' internal comcast dude came on Saturday and set up everything.... after drilling a couple big holes in the wall. Oh well, as I said before, at least I can now watch I love NY!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Did I mention how bad Comcast sucks yet?

How can a company as fucking shitty as comcast have a near monopoly on such an important service as residential internet and cable TV and yet suck so badly?

Some dude who barely spoke English just called me to tell me the cable lines for our house were already laid despite what COMCAST told me before when I was forced to call them because they didn't show up and didn't call me.

The guy who was yelling and I couldn't understand just asked me to call back to the main comcast number to schedule a technician since the cable is already laid. My wife then calls the main number to schedule a technician since they said the cable lines were already laid and she is told the cable lines have not been laid yet??????????????????

What the fuck is your problem you stupid fucking corporate shareholder cost cutting customers service outsourcing government blow job giving internet crashing incompetent uncaring piece of shit company!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like I'm in a bad relationship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU COMCAST FUCK YOU COMCAST!!!!!

WHAT A SHITTY COMPANY! Is this what the country is coming to with large corporations running everything and the government accepting handjobs by corporate schmucks and tagging ride alongs and earmarks to bills and screwing the everyday people that make up most of this fucking country!!!!!

People are too stupid to know the truth or too lazy and caught up in thier own world to do anything about it (including me!).


Remember, DC FLOW show Jan 2nd :)

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I just wrote a 5 page blog entry on how bad comcast sucks only to accidentally refresh the page and lose everyting!

I'm too lazy to rewrite it so here are the bullet points for those keeping score:

1. Comcast sucks

1.5 - No really, they suck, byte hard, you name it, they suck it!!

2. They have taken 2 months off of my life span

3. I've spent more time on the phone with them then my family

4. I wouldn't notice they sucked so bad if they were a candy company, but since they are the ones that screw you over when you are just about to download the greatest porn clip of all time, it's more noticible and demoralizing.

5. A comcast dude once took the smelliest shit of all time in my apartment and I had to open all doors and windows to let the air cleanse. I was dry heaving it was so bad. In essence I paid the dude $100 a month to shit in my apartment.

6. I once didn't have the internet for a month. Everytime I called I couldn't get through. Finally I got drunk, was bored, called them, they said me and a few thousand others were locked out of thier system and we need to get in touch with them to fix the system. How the fuck can I get in touch when you don't answer the phone and why the fuck did I have to contact you about locking me out of the system!!!!

7. I waited 3 hours yesterday for a comcast person that didn't show up after having to leave work early just to meet them. I was stood up by a comcast drone! What the fuck is that!!!! Is my time not worth anything? Do they need to give me a 2 week time window? "The Comcast guy will be there sometime during the month of December, you'll have to camp out for at least 30 days, and if he doesn't come at the end of that time period, let us know and we'll send someone else out at another time" Is the phrase "5pm to 8pm" really secret code for "never"? At least he didn't take a shit and smell up the place, that would have been way too Comcastic even for me.

over and out.................I'm feeling so fucking comcastic that I my rectum has been bleeding and I need to jump out the window!!!

ps - if we had pure capitalism comcast would be out of business. Hardly any competition so they can afford to suck shit. They must have given the state government free handjobs back in the day so they could have access to the cable lines.................... I should start my own cable company, the slogan would be, "We don't suck like Comcast".

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