Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Paranormal Time (6/11/08)

Just when it couldn't get any wierder........ it does.

Okay, so firstly, in Colorado a really strange guy named Jeff Peckman (who's like 50 and still lives with his parents) holds a press conference with the national media to show video of an alleged 'real alien' shot by known abductee, Stan Romanek (google his name, he could be legit). He wants to get approval from the Colorado goverment for funding for a local ET Commission and he actually gets a public hearing in front of officials!!!

This story was covered all over the national TV media a couple weeks ago, very strange why this would even be covered I still don't get it. Larry King (who is actually becoming a UFO pioneer) then interviews both of the guys and they are supposedly waiting to get the final results of scientific anaylysis on the film before making the video available to the public. They did show a clip of the video during the press conference. I saw a peek of it on Youtube and I don't know what to make of it, the alien does blink, but some say it's a puppet while others believe. I wouldn't know a real alien video if I saw one, so who knows, could be real or might not be a hoax. It's strange regardless.

This has been the big story in UFO circles this month, whether this video is bullshit or not. They even interviewed Stan on the famous Don and Mike radio show here in DC. Radio personality Mike O'mera actually thought it could be real, so perhaps the cutural scale is now leaning towards an acceptance of this reality.

After reading a book by extremely highly regarded UFO researcher and PhD astronomer Jaque Vallee I don't know what to think. Here is the link to the book I just read it's great and you can even buy it at target!!! -|REVELATIONS:_Alien_Contact_and_Human_Deception_:_Books&ref=tgt_adv_XSNG1060

In the book he points out several very well documented UFO cases that were real, but were also likey staged fakes that were extremely intricate in nature Why would someone spend millions of dollars and months of planning to fake a UFO sighting? The evidence certainly suggests this is the case for several big sightings. So I'm afraid this whole issue is much more complicated and convuluted than anyone could possibly imagine.

We have real UFO sightings that are subjective in nature, we have UFO sightings that are not UFO's at all but are faked to make people think UFO's are real, we have obvious fake UFO sightings, and then we have people who are guillable. As Vallee points out, it's like an 'intelligence onion'. In the first layer of this onion maybe you try to get people to think UFO's are fake. In the second layer you get them to think the goverment is covering up a real phenemena. Under the 3rd layer you have people think Aliens run the world and in the next layer........... who knows! At the end you have a bunch of cover stories with partial truths. What is the real truth, I don't know!

I'm afraid it's way stranger than we can believe and the evidence shows that there is a big correlation between real UFO experiences and other paranormal activity. In my mind this would indicate a dimentional aspect to real UFO's and because of the subjective nature, it makes me think that some people are more likely to have extra dimeiontal experiences then others. Of course, this type of science goes way beyond repeating something in a western lab facility other than experiments that show intention can affect matter, but hopefully we will learn more about this in the future, lord knows I don't understand science very well.

In my next email, I will discuss this new book I'm reading about a Brazilian healer named Arigo. It's an amazing story, where basically some Doctors from america (one was a Duke med school grad) go down to check on this brazillian dude who is curing all these sick people including famous politicians and they find out that he is....................... 100% legit! It's one of the best cases of documented paranormal power I've ever encountered, really amazing stuff.

In Brazil he was very famous even rivaling Pele for a period of time. But I think he hated planes (he was a peasant with a 3rd grade education) and didn't want to fly to america for testing. But man, it's about as legit as anything I"ve read, I'll explain more in the next issue. Of course his story is way stranger than you can imagine and invovles the channelling of a German doctor who died in 1918...... Feel to google him, his name was "Arigo" surgeon of the rusty knife.

peace out!


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