Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fun Size Chocolate - November 15, 2005

Fun Size Chocolate

"Fun Size" candy, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, seems to me it's a conspiracy to get people addicated because you can always fit another fun size in your fat face.

They should start calling 'one hit' of a drug, "Fun Size", a bowl of pot is "Fun Size", a line of coke, a shot of heroin, a hit of acid, it's all just enough to keep you going yet keep you wanting more.

Just like illegal drugs, once you start, it's hard to stop. I just ate a 'fun size' snickers here at my office and all I can think about is eating another one as I type this. Now, if I had never started I wouldn't have this problem, but once you get the 'endorphines' running and you come down from the high that is chocolate, all you think about is scoring just another 'fun size' snickers until your sweating in the corner feeling guilty and sick.

Halloween is really just a holiday for drug dealers, handing out thier 'fun size' hits of chocolate to a new generation of users. I could be about to explode after eating a big thanksgiving dinner, but would still be able to fit another 'fun size' candy bar into my fat face.

Fun Size? Nope, more like "Unfun Size" or "Addication Size".

The best way to not binge on chocolate, don't start!

seacrest out

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