Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sarah Palin

So John McCain chooses an inexperienced hyper religious person to be his running mate. She is very pro life and is a creationist (evolution isn't real). Very interesting.

Did I mention her policy towards teen pregnancy is to promote abstinence instead of educating kids about birth control, yet her own daughter (who I feel very sorry for) chose to ignore this rule of abstinence and is now a pregnant teenager? Maybe if she had educated her own daughter about birth control she wouldn't be another teenage pregnancy statistic. Obviously there is a disconnect there which the Republicans are spinning into a positive because she didn't have an abortion so this shows how pro life she is. WTF???? It's her fucking daughters decision isn't it? Her daughter chose to have unprotected sex and has also chosen to have the kid. Good for her daughter, too bad her mom has now made her situation a nationally covered public news story. What's more important, being a Vice Presidential candidate or making sure your daughter is able to successfully cope with an unexpected pregnancy away from the public eye??? I guess ambition is more important than your family in this case, granted being a Vice Presidential Candidate is a once in a lifetime chance, so I can't totally blame her, in her mind it's probably justified as the 'greater good'.

Sarah Palin also was reportedly invovled in 'Alaska's Independance' movement in the 1990's, whereby Alaskans for many years have tried to revote on whether to continue to be part of the US in favor of joining Canada or being their own country. Wow. That's not exactly partiotic. Mr. McCain are you sure you did a background check on Sarah before you named her as your running mate? Are you going to be this thorough if you are elected into office? Of course I am biased because I don't like people who like to mix religion and politics (by the way isn't there a rule against this and isn't this the entire reason the pilgrims came to this country?).

I was a religion major in college and I can tell you having read the bible a couple time that if you are looking to justify something, it's in there. Want to justify murdering innocent people? Just look in the bible. Want to justify incest? It's in there as well. Want to read about beings (they are called the Nephilim ) coming down from the skies and then raping woman on Earth? Oh yeah, it's in Genesis, you want it, it's in there.

Of course there is also great wisdom in the bible as well, but to use it as the only authority on right and wrong when there are clearly many unethical things that go down in the bible on behalf of God is opening yourself up to critism from people like me who actually studied this stuff from a semi objective veiwpoint (aka my parents didn't force me to believe any of this stuff!). To pick out bits of pieces of the book that support your individual agenda is called 'prooftexting' and I suspect that prooftexting is responsible for millions of deaths just by itself. And this is from someone (me!) who thinks the bible is cool and is willing to consider much of it as possible although a product of a bygone error (no need to sacrifice a goat before every season anymore!), so I'm far from an anti religous/bible person, I'm just someone who is a critic of being completely incosistent and misleading to oneself.

Anywho, the next blog entry will probably be on UFO's and Nukes. There is a history on the presence of UFO's near nuclear silos in the US which in some instances have either shut down or even engaged the launch sequence of our nukes. Pretty crazy I know, but there is significant witness testimony and documentation that this has happened on several occasions.

What does this mean? I have no idea how to interpret the actions of some potentially super advanced species, but it's still fun to guess!

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