Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dreams - October 07, 2005


Recently I've had some rather strange dreams involving celebrities. To make things stranger it's generally celebrities I don't even have an opinion one way or the other about, the type of people who I've never wasted a second thinking about on a conscious level either positive or negative.

The two that come to mind are former baseball player, Mark Mcguire and singer Gwen Stefani. In one dream I was visiting a house on the beach in Georgia (does Georgie even have beaches?) visiting a friend of mine (who I've never met in reality) who was Indian and worked at a high tech company and we were forced to hang out with "Mr. Annoying", you guessed it, Mark Mcguire. Now I have no idea how Mark is in real life, but in the dream world he is a total drag. Since he was a lot bigger than us he kept bossing us around and was an overall downer to hang with. "Hey Mark lets go out to eat!" "No, let's not, and if you bring it up again I'm going to beat you up".

Last night's dream I was flying around as usual late at night, (I fly a lot in my dreams) and I passed by Gwen Stefani standing outside my parents neigbors house. Instead of saying hi to her however, I said, "I ain't no hollerback girl", which she got a kick out of and then started flying around the neighborhood with me. Unfortunately, someone saw me flying with her and then the dream turns into, "Oh no! I hope they don't misunderstand that we are a couple and tell my girlfriend I'm dating Gwen!" Even in my own dreams I'm scared of upsetting my girlfriend, my God man the power woman have.

I think the recipe for dreams are:

1 part random brain farts
2 parts subconscious emotions
3 parts people, places, situations to fill in the blanks some of which are random some of which you've seen before
4 parts an endless flowing stream of consciousness where one idea begots another idea etc.....
5 parts suggestive thoughts, like "wouldn't be cool if I was flying!" or "wouldn't it suck if squirells started atacking me!"
6 parts your physical sensations while your sleeping. If you have to 'pee' then in your dream you might be surfing. Or if it's cold in your room you might be hiking on the tundra or locked in a freezer with squirells.
7 parts squirells, you can never get enough of these acrobatic celebrated rat like gerbals road hesitaters.

seamonkey out

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