Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Paranormal Time (1/24/08)

The sighting in Texas continues to get tons of press, from Larry King to Bill O'Reily to NBC to ABC news, just go to google and do a 'news' search for UFO and you will see hundreds of articles on this sighting.

One thing of note is that the Air Force was caught lieing about it. In many UFO cases the military will swoop in at the end and try and chase down a given UFO (which they never can) and in this particular case that is what happened after the alleged mile long UFO went through texas. The Airforce denied being in the area but after 2 weeks of being called out on lieing they finally admitted they were doing some 'testing' in the area, which is bs. I don't think our military has a firm grasp on this issue and the UFO's are in fact violating US Airspace and potentially messing with citizens if abductions do turn out to be a real phenomena which I think they most likely are in some cases. Here are just a couple of the several articles about the airforce's claims -

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