Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Paranormal Time (7/9/08)

So Larry King get's Appolo Astranaut and MIT PhD Astrophysicist Edgar Mitchell on his show to discuss Roswell as part of the anniversary celebration that is going on there.

As with all these shows, they usually have what we call a 'Debunker'. There are healthy skeptics who use the scientific method but are open to listening to the evidence that exists and then there are 'Debunkers'. Debunkers don't listen to what anyone says and make no sense and make it hard for anyone to carry on a conversation.

You know when you watch a political talk show and there is that one guy (usually a hard ass Rebulican!) who won't let anyone talk no matter how rational they are? That's a debunker and every serious talk show about UFO's has one, it's apparently mandatory and it's always ruins the discussion.

So who did Larry King book as the qualified debunker on this show? None other than stand up comic and kids science show host wacky Bill Nye! I've been in a room with Bill Nye when he was charging people $20 each to get his autgraph and I've been in a room with Edgar Mitchell who freely signed whatever people put in front of him. What's my point?

Having Bill Nye on the show to have an informed discussion on UFO's is like having Pat Sajack on a serious show about the Presidential Race with James Carvel and Pat Sajack goes out of his way no matter who or what is said to cut everyone who has any substance off. The guy walked on the moon, inquired to high level military about UFO's and was told it was true yet Bill Nye the comic won't believe it. Great, who gives a shit! Next...........

Typical, typical. Anywho, below is a short piece from the Herald Time Tribune about this recent show. Enjoy!!!

Sarasota Herald-Tribune
There is only one King
Billy Cox
Published Tuesday, July 8, 2008 at 6:09 p.m.

What do you call nine guests wadded up into a 42-minute show about Roswell, where the skeptic once won a Steve Martin look-alike contest and the only living eyewitness gets cut off for the night after uttering 17 words?

You got it — Larry King Live.


This is a tough one to write about. So much potential. Again. As usual. Even Apollo astronaut Ed Mitchell got roped into this one. Mitchell, the Roswell native. Roped into Larry’s disjointed, tortured, attention span-impaired narrative. Trying to tell a national TV audience how he, Mitchell, took concerns raised by Roswell witnesses to the Pentagon, where he met a vice admiral with the intelligence committee of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Only to informed by the admiral, weeks later, that the matter was classified and compartmentalized beyond the admiral’s control.

This is the part where you ask: Dr. Mitchell, what’s the admiral’s name? Only, this is Larry King. Who turns the mic over to Bill “The Science Guy” Nye, the Cornell-educated, Emmy-winning, standup comic. Transcripts:

“KING: All right, Bill.

NYE (to Mitchell): So, what are you saying? First of all, did you interview these people on their death bed or under oath? Let the viewer - I'm not going to change your mind. So that's for Ed, go for that.

MITCHELL: They sought me out.

KING: They sought him out.

NYE: But they were not on their deathbed. A deathbed declaration is quite a different thing from seeking you out and telling a story. You're not going to convince me.

MITCHELL: I am not interested in arguing with you. I'm telling my story. If you want to shut up and hear it, I'll be glad to talk. Otherwise, no.”

Sweet weeping cheeses.

But the guy you really had to feel for was 82-year-old Earl Fulford, who came all the way from his Florida panhandle home of Mayo to participate in last weekend’s Roswell UFO Festival.

Fulford was an Army staff sergeant dispatched with a debris-recovery team in 1947. He told his story to authors Don Schmitt and Thomas Carey, whose “Witness to Roswell” book came out last year.

When King asked Fulford what he saw 61 years ago, the veteran replied in the measured cadence one expects from an octogenarian: “It was similar in appearance to aluminum foil, like new aluminum foil which had never been crumpled.”

That was all ol’ Earl could manage before Larry flitted away to another guest.

“It was pretty bad,” Carey told De Void on Tuesday. “I was with him, (witness) Frankie Rowe, and the elderly colonel (Wayne Mattson) in the hangar and it was hot and very humid in there. It must’ve been 150 degrees.

“Halfway through the show, they apparently lost Don on the satellite, we can’t see Larry King because there’s no monitor, and we’re just staring into the camera lens inside an overheated hangar. And listening to this ‘Science Guy’ confusing Project Mogul with Skyook balloons, basically just throwing excrement against the wall to see what sticks.”

De Void’s head hurts. De Void needs to go now and get the special medicine out of the cabin

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