Wednesday, August 27, 2008

IPOD - BBQ Champ :( - December 02, 2005

IPOD - BBQ Champ :(

When I first got my IPOD I had visions of this:

I show up at a crowded BBQ, people are kind of timid, the energy is low, people are sipping thier drinks and lightly chatting. I hook up my IPOD to the stereo, pick the most perfect songs to kick things up a notch and all of sudden the party starts hopping and I am hero. People are dancing, asking me what songs is this because it's so great, etc... Basically, my IPOD has the power to rock other people's asses to VALHALLA!

Unfortunately, in the 1 year I've had an IPOD, this scenario has not happened once. And hanging out with my sick girlfriend on New Years at home while I drink and dance alone to my IPOD does not count.

The reason this hasn't happend is I don't go to hardly any parties or even drink much anymore because of my crappy stomach which digests so slowly that after eating a piece of toast for breakfast, I feel full until I go to sleep. Needless to say, drinking alcohol and eating crappy food are not good for this annoyingly chronic condition of nasea.

The other reason I think for this has never happend is it's a conspiracy. People know the power of my IPOD and strong song selection and have gone out of thier way "not" to have me at thier party for fear of starting a revolution the size of Woodstock. Imagine if Woodstock happened at your apartment? Exactly, 500,000 raging people in you little apartment would cause some serious damage.

So in conclusion, I'd like to say that although I have yet to utilize my IPOD for world peace because of health and social black listing, the day will come when my IPOD and song selection will single handedly change the outcome of at least one party and when that day happens Wild Stallionz will reunite and reallign the planets.


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