Thursday, August 28, 2008

Newsweek On Bigfoot

Here is a link to an article about the recent bigfoot hoax -

Essentially some guys from Georgia claimed to have found a dead bigfoot (Really a frozen gorilla costume filled with animal body parts, gross!!!) and along with a bigfoot promoter (I didn't realize there was such a thing?) they held a press conference which the mainstream media all covered to handout the DNA results from a University professor which turned out to show it was .................. a hoax!!! The DNA was Possum DNA! I would have at least used Gorilla dna, come on guys!!! Possum DNA? If you're gonna go that far off why not just use squirrel DNA (who's gonna volunteer to jack off the squrirel? Not It!).

Any who, the article also points out there are serious PhD's who believe that BigFoot exists and actually have found some real evidence which they are continuning to research.

So what does this all mean?

Yes this most recent hijinx was a hoax, and a pretty lame one at that but.......... that doesn't change the fact that the Bigfoot phenomena is also taken seriously by certain people within the academic world.

As I've said before, if there is a missing link species hanging out in the woods, I don't think it would change my world view very much. So I while I'm intellectually curious, I don't think the discovery of bigfoot is as revolutionary as the UFO phenomena. Aren't they always finding new species?

If bigfoot is real, I wonder what the back story is. It could be anything from an entire society of a different humanoid/ape hybrid species living underground to some very late cases of isolated evolution or, some byproduct of UFO occupants breeding program....................

I guess that is the real question what is the back story to this species if indeed it is proven real? It could just be the equivalent of a leper colony for people who suffer from the genetic disorder that makes some people extremely hairy like this guy -

Meanwhile, my favorite UFO blogger Billy Cox at the Herald Tribune is strongly encouraging public pressure on the Air Force to provide a comment on the recent FAA radar reports of the Stephenville, Texas UFO sightings.

To quickly recap, a massive UFO seen by many corroborating witnesses flies over texas. Around the same time several F16's are also seen in the area. The Air Force releases a public statement saying they weren't in the area.......... two weeks later they say, "Oh yeah, we were in the area :) ".

Some civilian UFO researchers contact the FAA to get radar reports of that day. The radar reports support everything the witnesses say and actually show the massive UFO going 1,000 mph and then slowing to 50 mph while heading towards George Bush's ranch. Billy Cox (investigative journalist) contacts the Air Force for comment on the radar reports and gets no response after repeatedly contacting them for 2 weeks so he is soliciting 'us' the public to write letters to the big man on campus at the air force. I have posted a link to Billy's blog along with Air Force contact he wants people to send letter too.

From Billy's Blog:

"So here’s a suggestion: Forget Carswell, it’s not their call. If you’re seriously interested in transparency, take a whopping seven minutes out of your busy day and write a note to Gen. Schwartz at the Pentagon. Snail mail makes a better impression than e-mail. Send it to Air Force Chief of Staff, 1670 Air Force Pentagon, Washington, DC 20330-1670.

Gen. Schwartz began thinking on his feet during the white-knuckle evacuation of Saigon in 1975. He’s the first cargo pilot ever appointed as USAF Secretary and the first non-fighter pilot to occupy that office since 1982. He’ll get to the bottom of this Stephenville thing if you're motivated enough to buy stamps."

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