Saturday, October 4, 2008

Politics man, Politics

Personally, I think the more the economy is deregulated the more trust you are putting in humans to use their money to support those products and services which benefit everyone.

Unfortunately humans are flawed so a free market doesn't work unless the end game is the extinction of the human race or at the least, long periods of desperation for a majority of the population. Humans are selfish and shortsighted and this latest debacle of the economy is a glaring example.

Conservatives argue for deregulation. But.... what happens when a companies best interest is not in the best interest of the society? In a 100% free market we would probably get the most efficient and cheapest products and services but at the expense of the environment going down the shitter along with our health and the people at the bottom would have very little opportunity to rise to the top.

I think the level of regulation for a large part depends on the particular market. For example, how cool would it be if they deregulated the amount of cable TV companies there were and more companies could rent the cable lines. That would be great. This way companies like Comcast might actually have some competition and be forced to have more efficient customer service.

But in an industry like real estate finance, obviously there needs to be more regulation/standards. Houses are expensive, most people can not afford houses no matter what you do. If you are a teacher and pulling in $50,000 a year you can not afford a house in many markets. This sucks because we need more teachers, but it is the reality of the market. Trying to lower the standards through which people can attain mortgages so people who can't afford houses can now afford them in the very short term is asinine selfish thinking that needed to be regulated from the outset. This is an example of a market place that needed a lot more regulation because of the selfish short term profit driven arrogant ways of the powerful banking/mortgage companies.

As a species, humans are not evolved enough to trust our fate and stability to institutions that are bottom line driven, it just doesn't work.

Hopefully in 1,000 years humans will evolve and develop an intuitive sense that we are all in this together which will guide our behavior and thinking. Until then, we need serious checks and balances or selfish motivations will continually set us back and keep us running in place as a species. New technology and increased efficiency doesn't necessarily translate into growth as a species. If we stay on the path we are going, we won't even have the chance to evolve! And this is why I drink :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mainstream News Drops the Ball on UFO"s Again for the millionth time!!

Check out this great blog entry from Billy Cox over at the Herable Tribune below. Essentially ABC did a story on UFO's, the type of story that has been done many times with basically nothing new except for some info on the recent Stephenville, Texas incident. However, when discussing this incident they apparently didn't bother to do any investigative research in light of the recent developments of official FAA radar reports 100% confirming everything that witnesses saw and which the air force was caught lying about. Here is a case where there is everything you'd need in a court of law to prove the Air Force is covering up something yet not one person in the mainstream news media has bothered to do their fucking job. Why not??? It would seem to me that unauthorized craft being intercepted by the Air Force headed towards George Bush's ranch with multiple witnesses and FAA radar reports would deserve to be looked into rather than lets say, whether or not Britney Spears farted yesterday. Why isn't the mainstream media following up on this story? Am I missing something? People should be outraged. The best possible scenario is that the US has some top secret craft capable of maneuvers never thought possible and they forgot to coordinate with the Air Force on where they were flying the thing. Honestly though, it's probably more likely this thing was not one of ours, which should be front page earth shaking news. Wake up people, this shit is real and happening every day whether the media wants to admit it or not...........

Read Blog Here>

Hey, ABC: Reporting is believing

Published: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at 1:20 p.m.
Last Modified: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at 5:17 p.m.

Not that the Air Force really had anything to fear from the hacks at ABC News. But you do have to wonder if the brass at Carswell Field outside Fort Worth were splitting a gut during its "PrimeTime" show last night and going, "What a bunch of morons! They're rippin' off Larry King!"

It’s a little too easy to get hung up in the fact that Tuesday evening’s "UFOs: Seeing Is Believing” microwaved 90 minutes of leftovers from Peter Jennings' 2005 report by the same name. Because, yeah, after all, they tossed in the whole laundry basket again — alien abductions, Roswell, the Phoenix Lights, radio astronomers vs. flying saucers, even the same old B-52 incident over Minot, S.D., from 1968.

What made this show such an inadvertent glittering jewel was its utter lack of irony. Because David Muir, the standup blow-dry who had to paint the lipstick on this pig, actually said, "Tonight, we'll report what's new."

He said that.

Now, to be fair, we can't blame it all on David. The guy had a team of writers and producers and probably a bunch of marketing suits armed with flash cards and timers warning that devoting more than six minutes would lose the entire audience.

And did you notice how the narrative made such a breezy transition from the Phoenix Lights to NASA's Phoenix Lander, the probe that discovered ice on Mars? Aside from the word “phoenix,” neither had a thing to do with the other. So that segue had to be a group effort. No one person dreams up that sort of non sequitur by themselves.

The only “What’s New” aspect to “Seeing Is Believing” was the lead segment — the Stephenville, Tex., incident. But ABC’s irresponsible management of it attains tragic proportions only if one assumes investigative journalism, not entertainment, were the imperative.

Let’s (sigh) run through it again real quick: A massive UFO passes over a rural region of north Texas. Multiple witnesses also report jet fighters in hot pursuit. Some contend the bogey was heading toward George Bush’s ranch in Crawford.

A spokesman for the 301st Fighter Wing at the nearby Joint Reserve Base Naval Air Station (Carswell Field) denies any warplanes were in the sky that night. Two weeks later, aware that investigators with the Mutual UFO Network are filing radar records requests with various military and civilian agencies, the USAF realizes it’s about to be caught in a lie. In a pre-emptive motion, it concedes it had 10 F-16s in the air. Conducting “routine” training missions.

All military agencies in receipt of Freedom of Information Act requests from MUFON — as well as the Department of Homeland Security — stonewall the release of radar data. But it’s too late. Federal Aviation Administration and National Weather Service returns tell the story: F-16s were all over the place that night, straying out of their military operating areas and closing to within a mile of the UFO on its southeast trajectory toward Crawford. Nothing routine about this. And when the object bore down on a straight path to the Bush ranch no-fly zone, the military inteceptors were nowhere in the vicinity.

ABC compresses this stuff into a four-minute feature dominated by civilian eyewitnesses. There’s a sound bite with MUFON report co-author Robert Powell. But no serious examination of the radar data, no airing of the redacted flight logs from Carswell, not even any indication that “PrimeTime” attempted to resolve the USAF’s information embargo.

Perversely, “PrimeTime” concluded its broadcast with an exhortation from physicist Michio Kaku, who wondered if UFOs embody the technology needed to circumvent the constraints of time and space: “Let this investigation begin!”

Exactly. Because ABC can't handle it.

Friday, September 12, 2008

It's Not What You Say But How...........

It seems to me that in politics it's often not about what you say but how you say it. This sucks and could be the downfall of the U.S. where image and how you come off is more important than actual substance. This is human nature in some ways and has probably been a common occurance throughout human history.

Let's look at a good example, how about George Bush. Actually he is the classic example and it has been time tested. People in our country are so fucking stupid that they voted for this guy..... twice! During the debates he had with Al Gore it was like I was living on a different planet.

Both candidates would be asked the same question and Al Gore would give this really in depth completely intelligent well researched answer that made complete sense and showed he had in depth knowledge and experience about the given topic. To some however, he came off as arrogant, which he probably was, but you know what, who gives a shit? Wouldn't you rather elect someone who knows what they are doing than worry if they are being a little snooty to someone who obviously doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about?

Then George Bush would try and answer the question and it was like watching someone in the Miss America Padgent answer a question they weren't expecting and he would barely be able to regurgitate some fact that slightly related to the question and it would be obvious to anyone with an IQ above 3 that he was not well read on the subject at all. Then at the end of the debate the commentators would say how George came off pretty well in the public polls after the debate????? What the fuck???????? This is when I stopped paying attention to politics and the polls. I started to question my own reality. Am I missing something? Am I the one who is fucked up? Even worse, is more than 50% of my own country fucked up?

The last two elections showed me that the majority of American's don't care about substance or content, they just care about image. It's more important to stay the course and be a stubborn badass and be totally wrong then take a more well reasonded approach based on thorough research and anyalysis and be flexible to change if the initial research is shown to be inaccurate. People would rather have Jon Wanye be in charge than Aticus Finch, and this is coming from someone like me who loves watching the Ultimate Fighting Championship and watches people beat the shit out of each other every day to relax!

Hence, the movie Idiocracy is so accurate in some ways it's almost scary. And the fact the movie Idiocracy (staring Luke Wilson and Directed by Mike Judge) isn't as well known in the country is purely because of the topics the movie spoofs on, corporate power and lowest common denomenator thinking. Fox basically did zero promotion for this movie and it had a very limited release and went straight to video. IMO this is because this movie is an endightment of the corporate culture we live in where people don't bother to look for substance they just want sound bytes spoon fed to them in the form of the lower common denomenator.

This is pefectly personified in the movie by what is the equivalent of 'Gatoraide' which in the movie is called 'Brawno'. Here's the scoop about Brawno, it has electrolytes which is something you really need according to their campaign. But what are electrolytes? No one in the movie knows what they are, they just know that your body needs them and Brawno can give them to you. Therefore, you need Brawno.

Why are we going to Iraq when the people who committed 911 are not from Iraq?
Because we have to go to Iraq, they may have WMD's.
But what does that have to do with 911?
We have to go to Iraq and if you don't see why your not patriotic and you just don't get it.
But I want to be patriotic and 'get it'!
Okay, so you must agree with me.
Okay, lets go kick Sadams ass!
Are there Electrolytes in Iraq?

Meanwhile inside Dick Cheaney's mind:
"I can't believe it's happening! Finally a reason to invade Iraq, this is gonna be great, we can control the oil there, get rid of the asshole in charge and in the process generate billions of dollars for the US industrial complex! Total win win, after all, none of my kids have to go fight and you know those who have to fight chose to fight, so that's on them. This will be a great thing for the country. We'll be in and out, secure oil, and make some corporate money........." Fast forward years later......................

For the love of God I hope humans evolve before Global Warming creates a new ice age or we are gonna be up the creek killing each other to survive like Lord of the Flies!

And this is why I like to drink on the weekends!!!! God help us all.

Is Our Airspace Really Secure??????

Check this out from Journalist Billy Cox's Blog on the Herald Tribune Website -

* Thursday, September 11, 2008, 12:57 pm
9/11's Potemkin Village
by Billy Cox

As the nation pauses for 9/11, let us also remember that, despite billions of dollars invested in a new security bureaucracy, American airspace is no more secure today than it was seven years ago.

Federal Aviation Administration radar records indicate that the U.S. Air Force was powerless to stop a mysterious aerial incursion from surging toward President Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Tex., in January. The 77-page analysis posted by the Mutual UFO Network in July has been neither challenged nor rebutted by military officials. Nor have any scientists emerged to take issue with any of the technical points raised by the MUFON study.

Nor have government authorities bothered to refute last year’s study assembled by the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena. That 155-page report described how a UFO parked itself over the United Airlines terminal at Chicago’s busy O’Hare International for 18 minutes while ground crews watched the object burn a circular hole in the cloud cover upon its departure.

Our government’s refusal to acknowledge these meticulously detailed reconstructions, along with the media’s failure to press for answers, creates a vacuum that can only be filled by vigilant taxpayers demanding accountability from this Potemkin Village. Maybe the citizens of Arizona are best positioned to elevate this conundrum into what it’s been all along — a political issue.

Long before the “Phoenix Lights” incident drew international attention in 1997, Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater made repeated and now well-publicized attempts to flesh out the UFO mystery. But not even the lion of modern conservatism could get past the locked doors of Gen. Curtis LeMay, the former Air Force Chief of Staff.

Several months after countless Arizonans were startled by the massive UFO cruising their skies 11 years ago, Goldwater’s successor, John McCain, defended the military cover story that warplanes were conducting routine maneuvers that night in a letter to a constituent (at

“I believe that these exercises, culminating in the release of many flares simultaneously, provide a reasonable explanation for the appearance of the peculiar lights that evening.”

Several years later, however, when asked at a press conference about UFOs, McCain wasn’t laughing (see “I think it’s of great interest. I would point out to you that there was a case a couple of years ago in Arizona of some lights that were seen over Arizona and that has never been fully explained.”

So which is it? What does McCain know?

In 2007, fellow Republican Fife Symington, the former Arizona governor who initially ridiculed the Phoenix Lights, admitted he’d seen the damned thing himself. He called it “enormous. It just felt otherworldly. In your gut, you could just tell it was otherworldly."

It’s time for the “maverick” presidential candidate to figure out what’s going down in his own back yard. There’s never been a better moment for the folks who put McCain in office to demand a little more straight talk at the next town hall forum.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


i've been waiting all week to watch the UFC pay per view. For the fucking 3rd time in a row I am unable to order a UFC pay per view because COMCAST is so inefficient it's mind blowing.

to order the pay per view I have to call them. Why can't I order it through the fucking TV? Because that would actually make a lot of sense!!! So I try calling them first thing this morning to make sure I can get the fight that will be on at 10pm tonight.

However, I am put on hold for an hour and a half. great, it's not like I have anything else to fucking do today but wait on hold????????????? So right now I'm currently trying to use their online interface to get in touch with them since they don't answer the phone and I can't order through the TV. I'm currently number 50 in their online customer service line. What the fuck????????

Do you want me to give you money or not? You should make it easy as shit for me to order this. I've wasted the entire morning and afternoon on this and this is the fucking 3rd time this has happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What the fuck is wrong with COMCAST???????????? I just don't get and I'm actually tired and bored about complaining about them. How many times can I call them out on their shit??? if they didn't carry the soap opera channel I would have gone to Star power long ago. I am a good husband for putting up with such a terribly inefficient company. They must have some really good friends in the government to be able to continue to operate like this, my God man!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

When You Shoot From The Hip, You Better Watch Your Feet!

John McCaine's new campaign slogan should be "When you shoot from the hip you better watch your feet!" Unfortunately for him, he shot his foot with his VP selection.

This is from the PR Industry Website - Daily Dog, Enjoy!!

"At the least, Republicans close to the campaign said it was increasingly apparent that Palin had been selected as McCain's running mate with more haste than McCain advisers initially described. People familiar with the process said Palin had responded to a standard form with more than 70 questions. Although the Washington Post quoted advisers to McCain as saying Palin had been subjected to an FBI background check, an FBI official said Monday the bureau did not vet potential candidates and had not known of her selection until it was made public.

In Alaska, several state leaders and local officials said they knew of no efforts by the McCain campaign to find out more information about Palin before the announcement of her selection, Although campaigns are typically discreet when they make inquiries into potential running mates, officials in Alaska said they thought it was peculiar that no one in the state had the slightest hint that Palin might be under consideration.

"They didn't speak to anyone in the Legislature, they didn't speak to anyone in the business community," Lyda Green, the State Senate president, who lives in Wasilla, where Palin served as mayor, told the Times."

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sarah Palin

So John McCain chooses an inexperienced hyper religious person to be his running mate. She is very pro life and is a creationist (evolution isn't real). Very interesting.

Did I mention her policy towards teen pregnancy is to promote abstinence instead of educating kids about birth control, yet her own daughter (who I feel very sorry for) chose to ignore this rule of abstinence and is now a pregnant teenager? Maybe if she had educated her own daughter about birth control she wouldn't be another teenage pregnancy statistic. Obviously there is a disconnect there which the Republicans are spinning into a positive because she didn't have an abortion so this shows how pro life she is. WTF???? It's her fucking daughters decision isn't it? Her daughter chose to have unprotected sex and has also chosen to have the kid. Good for her daughter, too bad her mom has now made her situation a nationally covered public news story. What's more important, being a Vice Presidential candidate or making sure your daughter is able to successfully cope with an unexpected pregnancy away from the public eye??? I guess ambition is more important than your family in this case, granted being a Vice Presidential Candidate is a once in a lifetime chance, so I can't totally blame her, in her mind it's probably justified as the 'greater good'.

Sarah Palin also was reportedly invovled in 'Alaska's Independance' movement in the 1990's, whereby Alaskans for many years have tried to revote on whether to continue to be part of the US in favor of joining Canada or being their own country. Wow. That's not exactly partiotic. Mr. McCain are you sure you did a background check on Sarah before you named her as your running mate? Are you going to be this thorough if you are elected into office? Of course I am biased because I don't like people who like to mix religion and politics (by the way isn't there a rule against this and isn't this the entire reason the pilgrims came to this country?).

I was a religion major in college and I can tell you having read the bible a couple time that if you are looking to justify something, it's in there. Want to justify murdering innocent people? Just look in the bible. Want to justify incest? It's in there as well. Want to read about beings (they are called the Nephilim ) coming down from the skies and then raping woman on Earth? Oh yeah, it's in Genesis, you want it, it's in there.

Of course there is also great wisdom in the bible as well, but to use it as the only authority on right and wrong when there are clearly many unethical things that go down in the bible on behalf of God is opening yourself up to critism from people like me who actually studied this stuff from a semi objective veiwpoint (aka my parents didn't force me to believe any of this stuff!). To pick out bits of pieces of the book that support your individual agenda is called 'prooftexting' and I suspect that prooftexting is responsible for millions of deaths just by itself. And this is from someone (me!) who thinks the bible is cool and is willing to consider much of it as possible although a product of a bygone error (no need to sacrifice a goat before every season anymore!), so I'm far from an anti religous/bible person, I'm just someone who is a critic of being completely incosistent and misleading to oneself.

Anywho, the next blog entry will probably be on UFO's and Nukes. There is a history on the presence of UFO's near nuclear silos in the US which in some instances have either shut down or even engaged the launch sequence of our nukes. Pretty crazy I know, but there is significant witness testimony and documentation that this has happened on several occasions.

What does this mean? I have no idea how to interpret the actions of some potentially super advanced species, but it's still fun to guess!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Obama's Speech!

I just watched Obama's speech on YOUTUBE from last night and thought it was pretty damn good. He pointed out some really important differences between him and McCaine and made a very compelling argument for himself in a way that even a high school drop out from the bible belt could understand. In the past I think the reason George W was able to get elected (assuming the electino was not stolen which it probably was!!!!) was because he spoke to the lowest common denomenator, so while Al Gore would actually answer the question in a debate and provide extremely relevent statistics to back up his opinion, George Bush would say something like, "I'm for America, and America is great!" and then win public opinion somehow. Obama is able to speak in a simple way and generalize complex issues to their purest form which is very very important. The way he aligned McCaine with Bush was great (90% of the time McCaine has voted with Bush, do you want to elect someone who brings a 10% chance of change?).

He also confronted the current adminstrations failures head on, no punches pulled and he made some really good points that were targeted to the swing voters when he did a pre-emptive counter attack to what is sure to be McCaine's stragety when he said that we are all patriots regardless of what side we are on and that the election should be about the larger direction of the country, not arbitrary social issues.

My only knock on Obama is he doesn't get very specific in speeches like Hilary did when she would outline her plans. But I've been to his website and there is more specific info there and my brother has friends that have worked with him and he has assured me his speaking in generalities is merely a strategic thing. It certainly worked for George Bush who spoke more generalities than an abstract Haiku poet!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Newsweek On Bigfoot

Here is a link to an article about the recent bigfoot hoax -

Essentially some guys from Georgia claimed to have found a dead bigfoot (Really a frozen gorilla costume filled with animal body parts, gross!!!) and along with a bigfoot promoter (I didn't realize there was such a thing?) they held a press conference which the mainstream media all covered to handout the DNA results from a University professor which turned out to show it was .................. a hoax!!! The DNA was Possum DNA! I would have at least used Gorilla dna, come on guys!!! Possum DNA? If you're gonna go that far off why not just use squirrel DNA (who's gonna volunteer to jack off the squrirel? Not It!).

Any who, the article also points out there are serious PhD's who believe that BigFoot exists and actually have found some real evidence which they are continuning to research.

So what does this all mean?

Yes this most recent hijinx was a hoax, and a pretty lame one at that but.......... that doesn't change the fact that the Bigfoot phenomena is also taken seriously by certain people within the academic world.

As I've said before, if there is a missing link species hanging out in the woods, I don't think it would change my world view very much. So I while I'm intellectually curious, I don't think the discovery of bigfoot is as revolutionary as the UFO phenomena. Aren't they always finding new species?

If bigfoot is real, I wonder what the back story is. It could be anything from an entire society of a different humanoid/ape hybrid species living underground to some very late cases of isolated evolution or, some byproduct of UFO occupants breeding program....................

I guess that is the real question what is the back story to this species if indeed it is proven real? It could just be the equivalent of a leper colony for people who suffer from the genetic disorder that makes some people extremely hairy like this guy -

Meanwhile, my favorite UFO blogger Billy Cox at the Herald Tribune is strongly encouraging public pressure on the Air Force to provide a comment on the recent FAA radar reports of the Stephenville, Texas UFO sightings.

To quickly recap, a massive UFO seen by many corroborating witnesses flies over texas. Around the same time several F16's are also seen in the area. The Air Force releases a public statement saying they weren't in the area.......... two weeks later they say, "Oh yeah, we were in the area :) ".

Some civilian UFO researchers contact the FAA to get radar reports of that day. The radar reports support everything the witnesses say and actually show the massive UFO going 1,000 mph and then slowing to 50 mph while heading towards George Bush's ranch. Billy Cox (investigative journalist) contacts the Air Force for comment on the radar reports and gets no response after repeatedly contacting them for 2 weeks so he is soliciting 'us' the public to write letters to the big man on campus at the air force. I have posted a link to Billy's blog along with Air Force contact he wants people to send letter too.

From Billy's Blog:

"So here’s a suggestion: Forget Carswell, it’s not their call. If you’re seriously interested in transparency, take a whopping seven minutes out of your busy day and write a note to Gen. Schwartz at the Pentagon. Snail mail makes a better impression than e-mail. Send it to Air Force Chief of Staff, 1670 Air Force Pentagon, Washington, DC 20330-1670.

Gen. Schwartz began thinking on his feet during the white-knuckle evacuation of Saigon in 1975. He’s the first cargo pilot ever appointed as USAF Secretary and the first non-fighter pilot to occupy that office since 1982. He’ll get to the bottom of this Stephenville thing if you're motivated enough to buy stamps."

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My First Blog at the Dirt Jerk Diaries, Please Read!!!

Thanks for visiting my brand new blog, 'Dirt Jerk Diaries'!!!

I have been keeping a regular blog on my bands website while also sending out a weekly email on the topic of UFO's to a list of friends who are interested in the issue. Rather than continue to fill up the bands blog with stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with the band and everything to do with me (the Dirt Jerk!) and also rather than send 5 page emails about UFO's to friends, I decided it was time to put together my own blog.

Right now this blog is filled with old entries from both my past UFO emails as well as some highlights from my bands blog as well as material from an ancient blog I once had on Frienster called 'Cake Lama'.

Going forward, I will be posting here regularly, so please sit back, relax, enjoy yourself. Can I get your some coffee?



well, I finally have cable! it was a very confusing and frustrating process, but now that I can watch the 'I Love New York' marathon on VH1, it was all worth it, well not really but what can you do?

As of my last blog, things got a bit stranger with comcast. When I last left off, they were scheduled to come to my house on Saturday to give us cable.

On Thursday evening, unbeknownst to me, there were 5 comcast workers outside our house shooting the shit in spanish. When my wife saw them she asked what they were doing. They said in brocken English, "Line already laid" and then they pointed at thier watch to indicate it was past thier work hours. Very strange since that was the 3rd person to say the cable was laid!

Did they send out 5 employees who could barely speak English to be messengers in case my wife just happened to ask what they were doing? I have no idea.

But I do know this. At 10am on Friday morning there was another group of 5 Comcast dudes digging up our front yard in our little garden. Good thing they never asked our permission to tear up our yard? And why would they do that if the cable was supposedly already laid? You'd think a communications company would be good at communications but all they are good at is mind fucking you!

Finally the 'real' internal comcast dude came on Saturday and set up everything.... after drilling a couple big holes in the wall. Oh well, as I said before, at least I can now watch I love NY!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Did I mention how bad Comcast sucks yet?

How can a company as fucking shitty as comcast have a near monopoly on such an important service as residential internet and cable TV and yet suck so badly?

Some dude who barely spoke English just called me to tell me the cable lines for our house were already laid despite what COMCAST told me before when I was forced to call them because they didn't show up and didn't call me.

The guy who was yelling and I couldn't understand just asked me to call back to the main comcast number to schedule a technician since the cable is already laid. My wife then calls the main number to schedule a technician since they said the cable lines were already laid and she is told the cable lines have not been laid yet??????????????????

What the fuck is your problem you stupid fucking corporate shareholder cost cutting customers service outsourcing government blow job giving internet crashing incompetent uncaring piece of shit company!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like I'm in a bad relationship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU COMCAST FUCK YOU COMCAST!!!!!

WHAT A SHITTY COMPANY! Is this what the country is coming to with large corporations running everything and the government accepting handjobs by corporate schmucks and tagging ride alongs and earmarks to bills and screwing the everyday people that make up most of this fucking country!!!!!

People are too stupid to know the truth or too lazy and caught up in thier own world to do anything about it (including me!).


Remember, DC FLOW show Jan 2nd :)

2:57 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove


I just wrote a 5 page blog entry on how bad comcast sucks only to accidentally refresh the page and lose everyting!

I'm too lazy to rewrite it so here are the bullet points for those keeping score:

1. Comcast sucks

1.5 - No really, they suck, byte hard, you name it, they suck it!!

2. They have taken 2 months off of my life span

3. I've spent more time on the phone with them then my family

4. I wouldn't notice they sucked so bad if they were a candy company, but since they are the ones that screw you over when you are just about to download the greatest porn clip of all time, it's more noticible and demoralizing.

5. A comcast dude once took the smelliest shit of all time in my apartment and I had to open all doors and windows to let the air cleanse. I was dry heaving it was so bad. In essence I paid the dude $100 a month to shit in my apartment.

6. I once didn't have the internet for a month. Everytime I called I couldn't get through. Finally I got drunk, was bored, called them, they said me and a few thousand others were locked out of thier system and we need to get in touch with them to fix the system. How the fuck can I get in touch when you don't answer the phone and why the fuck did I have to contact you about locking me out of the system!!!!

7. I waited 3 hours yesterday for a comcast person that didn't show up after having to leave work early just to meet them. I was stood up by a comcast drone! What the fuck is that!!!! Is my time not worth anything? Do they need to give me a 2 week time window? "The Comcast guy will be there sometime during the month of December, you'll have to camp out for at least 30 days, and if he doesn't come at the end of that time period, let us know and we'll send someone else out at another time" Is the phrase "5pm to 8pm" really secret code for "never"? At least he didn't take a shit and smell up the place, that would have been way too Comcastic even for me.

over and out.................I'm feeling so fucking comcastic that I my rectum has been bleeding and I need to jump out the window!!!

ps - if we had pure capitalism comcast would be out of business. Hardly any competition so they can afford to suck shit. They must have given the state government free handjobs back in the day so they could have access to the cable lines.................... I should start my own cable company, the slogan would be, "We don't suck like Comcast".

Comcast: Slow To Block Kiddie Porn! - 7/23/08

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Comcast: Slow To Block Kiddie Porn!

Well, if you read this blog you know that I hate Comcast. Just search through my past blog entries with the keyword 'Comcast' and you will find several blog entries dedicated to the frustration I've had with Comcast since it's impossible to get in touch with them to get help for anything!

Well, I'm not the only one who has problems getting in touch with them. Even after Verizon, AT&T, AOL, Sprint, and Time Warner all signed an agreement relating to the blocking of child pornography, COMCAST is playing hard to get and hasn't signed it yet.

I guess I"m not the only one who has a hard time getting their support!

Here is the article:

Comcast May Face Lawsuit from New York AG Cuomo for It's Refusal to Agree to Child-Pornography Reforms

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, who has pressured Internet service providers to block access to child pornography, this week said his office would pursue legal action against Comcast Cable Communications if it did not quickly agree to reforms. Last month, major ISPs such as Verizon Communications, Sprint, AOL, AT&T and Time Warner Cable, agreed to block Internet bulletin boards and websites nationwide that disseminate child porn, Reuters reports.

But the Comcast Corp unit did not sign New York's "code of conduct" that includes these and other business reforms, Cuomo wrote in a letter obtained by Reuters. Comcast issued a statement saying it has been working with Cuomo and said it expects it will sign on to the New York code of conduct. The company also noted it signed a separate agreement with the cable industry and 48 state attorneys general to help combat child pornography, reports Reuters writer Joseph A. Giannone.

Cuomo said the nation's No. 2 ISP "has continued to drag its heels when it comes to taking every necessary action to eliminate online child porn from the Internet." As a result, New York will pursue "legal action" if Comcast does not agree to change its business practices within five days, Cuomo said, according to Reuters.

The attorney general said his office issued a subpoena to Comcast on May 6 related to the industry wide investigation and commenced talks "several weeks ago" to reach some agreement over how Comcast could "fight against child pornography."

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Comcast Reads Blogs About Comcast Sucking?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Comcast Reads Blogs About Comcast Sucking?

I just found an interesting article about how Frank Eliason the "Digital Care Manager at Comcast" will search through blogs for negative mentions of Comcast. When he finds one he then tries to clear the air with disgruntled customers. In his words, ""When you're having a two-way conversation, you really get to clear the air".

Well Frank, make yourself at home. Can I get you some coffee? Please take your time, Lord knows Comcast has taken many hours possibly even days away from my life, the only appropriate thing to do is at least search through my blog for mentions of your company.

Please, I urge you, just search for Comcast in my blog and you can read fantastic tales. Like the story of the Comcast guy who took a huge shit in my bathroom which smelled up my entire apartment. Or the time Comcast double charged for a pay per view that didn't even work when I was trying to host a party at my house to watch the event. Did I mention that even after hours on the phone with claims they would fix the double charge that they still double charged me? Or the time they locked me out of internet access for 3 weeks and when I tried to complain I couldn't even get through to the fucking customer service people for days.

Oh yeah, almost forgot the 3 days I waited from 12pm-5pm for some asshole who never showed up. Yeah, I'm sure the people at my job didn't notice I was gone for three days and it didn't cause any stress on me or my wife. Instead of taking 3 days off for a family vacation, I have an idea, I'll wait around for the bumbling inconsiderate Comcast contractors to cancel another appointment at my house.

Oh yeah, there was also the time last week where comcast pay per view once again didn't work when I had people over to watch a fight and then when I tried to call for help I was forced to listen to Kenny G for an hour.

Frank I think it's safe to say that your company owes me about a week of time and a year of free massages (with happy endings!), so please take the week off and really read through my blog, you have nothing better to do right? I certainly didn't?

Frank, what I would advise Comcast to do, if they care about their 'image' is rather than pay you money to scan blogs and try and email pissed off people, that Comcast actually take a substantial percentage of the marketing money they are spending since they basically have a monopoly in many parts of the country, and invest that money into customer service as well as hold their contract workers to higher standards.

By outsourcing everything with seemingly low standards you may be saving ass loads of money which allows you to pay for someone to scan blogs, but you also have people all across the country who are taking off from work from 12pm-5pm for some 18 year old stoner who is not gonna show up. Worse than that, you have people who plan months ahead of time to host pay per view specials at their house with all their friends, only to have the Comcast network show a blank screen and then not answer the fucking phone for 3 hours when help is needed.

Yeah, I think that's a much better approach. Don't spend millions on PR/Damage control and spend the money on having comcast do their fucking job!

It's pretty simple, companies that provide a great service and are easy to work with don't need to spend billions on Pr/damage control!!!

If anyone would like to read this article, it is posted online at this website -

Paranormal Time 8/7/08)

It's never, never, never as straightforward as it seems in the UFO world!

Bear with me, this is complicated. My fellow message board geeks with the help of a journalist and historian have uncovered a complicated circle of disputed claims regarding Dr. Edgar Mitchell's recent testimony in the news.

HERE WE GO.............

Dr. Mitchell has claimed an unnamed Admiral at the Pentagon told him personally that the UFO special access projects were real and that he was denied access to them. However, Herald Tribune writer Billy Cox was able to locate and contact this admiral and the admiral told Cox that:

"What is true is that I met with them. What is not true is that I was denied access to this material, because I didn’t pursue it. I may have left it open with them, but it was not especially compelling, not compelling enough to waste my staff’s time to go looking for it.”

So, while the admiral says an initial meeting did take place he claims he never followed up with Mitchell about being denied access to anything. Meanwhile, in the same Billy Cox article, Mitchell now says that a 'secondary trust worthy source' was actually the one who relayed to him the information about the Admiral being denied access to these projects.

Right there we have an inconsistency with Mitchell's statements. First he said the admiral told him directly. Than he says he found out about the admiral being denied access indirectly via a second party. To further complicate matters, Dr. Steven Greer was involved in these meetings. Steven Greer is not credible at all. If Greer was Mitchell's secondary trusted source, things are not looking good, but this remains to be documented.

At the least, Mitchell has been misleading in changing his story on whether the Admiral told him directly or told another source directly.

For the record, extremely credible UFO/Cold War historian Richard Dolan (who has written the most credible compressive book on the UFO topic) vouches for Mitchell's claims via his own anonymous source who says that indeed the admiral is lying about not being denied access to the UFO special access projects. Dolan went on to say that his source reveals that the admiral wasn't even contacted by normal military personal in this matter, but rather he was contacted by Lawyers who worked for private contractors. Strange strange strange????

So either the Admiral is lying or Mitchell is lying. Mitchell has no incentive to lie, but he has been caught in being inconsistent and was involved with someone who has a very sketchy track record - Dr. Steven Greer. The Admiral on the other hand has every reason to lie, but is he?

To be continued........... here are links to the various things I have cited. I doubt the media will do much follow up on this stuff:

Herald Tribune Article (slow server) -
Richard Dolan's claims -

Paranormal Time (8/6/08)

Well the mainstream media has finally started to follow up on Apollo Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell's claims that UFO's are real and there is a massive cover up. Here are some of the clips from the past week:

Fox News -

Did you know Dr. Mitchell has been saying this very publicly for 10 years yet it was never covered? Why now? Are we on the cusp of the insiders allowing this stuff to leak out? Is this stuff just happening organically? Is it a coincidence that the Vatican issued a public statement about aliens being our brothers? Is the announcement of water on Mars a part of this slow desensitization program? (

Strangely, Dr. Mitchell is not the only astronaut to come out about the UFO issue. One of the first Astronauts, Gordon Cooper, also came out very publicly that he believed UFO's were real and being covered up before he died. Here is a short obit about this from CNN - . Would you believe Buzz Aldrin is another one? Unlike these others though, Buzz apparently changes his story frequently. One day it's definitely a UFO the next day Buzz isn't so sure. This from Larry King where he talks about this UFO experience -

Another space program veteran named Clark McClelland says he witnessed aliens first hand. Clark's story has all but been ignored, but perhaps with Dr. Mitchell gaining press Clark will eventually get some press as well. Here is a brief about Clark, I don't know much about this guy,

While I'm at it, here are a couple presidential UFO bonus tracks for you to check out:

Here are clips of Ronald Reagan talking about being invaded by aliens in several speeches, very strange. When these clips are taken into the context of Army Intelligence Officer Colonel Philip Corso's book, all of this stuff including all of the stuff above makes a lot of sense. Corso's book is available at any Barnes and Noble/Borders, it is called 'The Day After Roswell' and was a NYT best seller. Here are the Reagan clilps:

A recording of ex-president Jimmy Carter talking about his own UFO experience -

Until next time............................ keep in mind there are truckloads more of this stuff.

Paranormal Time (7/29/08)

Is the New York Times done with their blackout of UFO coverage?

Today they ran the op-ed above by Nick Pope, who I've seen speak in person a couple of times.

Nick Pope worked at the Ministry of Defense (MOD) in England. His job was to investigate UFO's to make sure they didn't pose a threat to national security. The United States spent years also investigating UFO's but after deciding there was no national security threat, the US 'publicly' stopped investigating UFO's.

Nick Pope was initially skeptical about UFO's, but during the course of his job he realized there is a significant percentage of UFO reports that can not be explained. Nick supposedly left his job at the MOD and now speaks openly about the importance of investigating this phenomena and he also keeps up to date with the MOD's public release of previously classified files. As mentioned before, both France and the UK have opened up many of their previously classified unexplained UFO files to the general public.

Having seen Nick in person and followed his work, I have a sneaking suspicion that Nick still works for the MOD. He always seems very coy about his real opinion and I have a hunch he has much more knowledge than he lets on and perhaps his 'real' job is to both get people used to this phenomena and gauge both public reaction/opinion.

You probably think that's crazy, but believe you me, there is more arbitrarily strange deception in this field than any of you will ever know. Want proof of how strange it gets? Read well known French Astrophysicist and very successful Technology entrepreneur Jacque Vallee's book 'Revelations', which is available on Amazon. Jacque is one of the most thorough researchers in this field of all time and in this book he discusses how much deception and how deep this stuff gets with strong thorough research -

Paranormal Time (7/17/08)

In case you missed it, there were massive UFO sightings in Texas earlier this year (very close to GW Bush's ranch!!!). All the major networks covered these sightings and so did I! Doctors, lawyers, firemen, police all saw a massive UFO. These witnesses also saw many F-16's in the area. The air force denied being the area..... until 2 weeks afterwards when they publicly said, 'oh wait, yeah, we were in the area'. Hardly anyone in the mainstream media called them to task for being caught in a lie, too much going on with Britney Spears that week I guess.

Any who, MUFON (a leading UFO civilian organization) just released it's findings on this sighting in a report. In a nutshell, they have the radar clips from the FAA which show the UFO at about 1,000 feet in size traveling over 2,000 mph. And people say there is no evidence? Well, have you ever bothered to look?

Paranormal Time (7/9/08)

So Larry King get's Appolo Astranaut and MIT PhD Astrophysicist Edgar Mitchell on his show to discuss Roswell as part of the anniversary celebration that is going on there.

As with all these shows, they usually have what we call a 'Debunker'. There are healthy skeptics who use the scientific method but are open to listening to the evidence that exists and then there are 'Debunkers'. Debunkers don't listen to what anyone says and make no sense and make it hard for anyone to carry on a conversation.

You know when you watch a political talk show and there is that one guy (usually a hard ass Rebulican!) who won't let anyone talk no matter how rational they are? That's a debunker and every serious talk show about UFO's has one, it's apparently mandatory and it's always ruins the discussion.

So who did Larry King book as the qualified debunker on this show? None other than stand up comic and kids science show host wacky Bill Nye! I've been in a room with Bill Nye when he was charging people $20 each to get his autgraph and I've been in a room with Edgar Mitchell who freely signed whatever people put in front of him. What's my point?

Having Bill Nye on the show to have an informed discussion on UFO's is like having Pat Sajack on a serious show about the Presidential Race with James Carvel and Pat Sajack goes out of his way no matter who or what is said to cut everyone who has any substance off. The guy walked on the moon, inquired to high level military about UFO's and was told it was true yet Bill Nye the comic won't believe it. Great, who gives a shit! Next...........

Typical, typical. Anywho, below is a short piece from the Herald Time Tribune about this recent show. Enjoy!!!

Sarasota Herald-Tribune
There is only one King
Billy Cox
Published Tuesday, July 8, 2008 at 6:09 p.m.

What do you call nine guests wadded up into a 42-minute show about Roswell, where the skeptic once won a Steve Martin look-alike contest and the only living eyewitness gets cut off for the night after uttering 17 words?

You got it — Larry King Live.


This is a tough one to write about. So much potential. Again. As usual. Even Apollo astronaut Ed Mitchell got roped into this one. Mitchell, the Roswell native. Roped into Larry’s disjointed, tortured, attention span-impaired narrative. Trying to tell a national TV audience how he, Mitchell, took concerns raised by Roswell witnesses to the Pentagon, where he met a vice admiral with the intelligence committee of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Only to informed by the admiral, weeks later, that the matter was classified and compartmentalized beyond the admiral’s control.

This is the part where you ask: Dr. Mitchell, what’s the admiral’s name? Only, this is Larry King. Who turns the mic over to Bill “The Science Guy” Nye, the Cornell-educated, Emmy-winning, standup comic. Transcripts:

“KING: All right, Bill.

NYE (to Mitchell): So, what are you saying? First of all, did you interview these people on their death bed or under oath? Let the viewer - I'm not going to change your mind. So that's for Ed, go for that.

MITCHELL: They sought me out.

KING: They sought him out.

NYE: But they were not on their deathbed. A deathbed declaration is quite a different thing from seeking you out and telling a story. You're not going to convince me.

MITCHELL: I am not interested in arguing with you. I'm telling my story. If you want to shut up and hear it, I'll be glad to talk. Otherwise, no.”

Sweet weeping cheeses.

But the guy you really had to feel for was 82-year-old Earl Fulford, who came all the way from his Florida panhandle home of Mayo to participate in last weekend’s Roswell UFO Festival.

Fulford was an Army staff sergeant dispatched with a debris-recovery team in 1947. He told his story to authors Don Schmitt and Thomas Carey, whose “Witness to Roswell” book came out last year.

When King asked Fulford what he saw 61 years ago, the veteran replied in the measured cadence one expects from an octogenarian: “It was similar in appearance to aluminum foil, like new aluminum foil which had never been crumpled.”

That was all ol’ Earl could manage before Larry flitted away to another guest.

“It was pretty bad,” Carey told De Void on Tuesday. “I was with him, (witness) Frankie Rowe, and the elderly colonel (Wayne Mattson) in the hangar and it was hot and very humid in there. It must’ve been 150 degrees.

“Halfway through the show, they apparently lost Don on the satellite, we can’t see Larry King because there’s no monitor, and we’re just staring into the camera lens inside an overheated hangar. And listening to this ‘Science Guy’ confusing Project Mogul with Skyook balloons, basically just throwing excrement against the wall to see what sticks.”

De Void’s head hurts. De Void needs to go now and get the special medicine out of the cabin
Just a couple quick tidbits for y'all to munch on.

Firstly, a university of Florida professor is working on some really cool electromagnetic tech for travel -

Upon first look and being a dumb dumb when it comes to science, to me this appears to be related to the type of technology which UFO circles have been discussing for decades and the type of tech that our country's black budget world has supposedly mastered a long time ago. The word on the street is that any time a scientist starts making progress in electromagnetic antigravity technology, for some reason their research usually stops. Is it because they get paid or threatened to shut the fuck up? Probably :) With countries like north Korea and Iran running around, I don't blame our black budget world for trying to keep tabs on this type of futuristic tech.

Anywho, check it out, this professor looks to be 100% legit, here is his website - Can you imagine propulsion through electromagnetic technology? Well, I think they (black budget world) imagined it over 60 years ago. I'll try and keep tabs on this guy and give you an update next year.....

Meanwhile, tons of UFO sightings around the world, a lot of them in Latin American (Mexico city and Argentina), who knows why that is. I'm too lazy to post the typical local paper shit where the local sheriff or gov official is interviewed about the local sightings, just know they are frequent and they are all over the world, this is not a US phenomena, it's a global phenomena as is the abduction stuff as well.

FYI, if you know someone who wants to learn more about UFO's but is very doubtful (including yourself!), just have them buy this book which documents the US government's response to this issue which basically proves that yes, our own government believes they are real - .

Here are the most common UFO theories:

- they are top secret compartmentalized US technology
- they are from another part of the universe/galaxy
- they are from another dimension (maybe even share our space but in another dimension)
- they live on the planet earth in our dimension, perhaps under the surface of earth (we don't even know what lays 5 miles under our own soil!!!)
- they are our subconscious (strange indeed!)

What do I think? I think all of the above are likely to be true and that the paranormal is all related and often deals with various dimensions.

I just finished reading this book - .

Paranormal Time (7/7/08)

A U of Florida engineering teacher is working on a UFO (electromagnetic technology is how many think real 'ufo's' fly)

Could be a PRISM breifing.

Although I believe this type of research has been done in the black budget world for many years (many think the Stealth Bomber contains electromagnetic antigravity technology) this is one of the first times I've seen an article about this in the mainstream like this. You tend to hear about this stuff in one article and then nothing ever blossoms.

Paranormal Time (6/11/08)

Just when it couldn't get any wierder........ it does.

Okay, so firstly, in Colorado a really strange guy named Jeff Peckman (who's like 50 and still lives with his parents) holds a press conference with the national media to show video of an alleged 'real alien' shot by known abductee, Stan Romanek (google his name, he could be legit). He wants to get approval from the Colorado goverment for funding for a local ET Commission and he actually gets a public hearing in front of officials!!!

This story was covered all over the national TV media a couple weeks ago, very strange why this would even be covered I still don't get it. Larry King (who is actually becoming a UFO pioneer) then interviews both of the guys and they are supposedly waiting to get the final results of scientific anaylysis on the film before making the video available to the public. They did show a clip of the video during the press conference. I saw a peek of it on Youtube and I don't know what to make of it, the alien does blink, but some say it's a puppet while others believe. I wouldn't know a real alien video if I saw one, so who knows, could be real or might not be a hoax. It's strange regardless.

This has been the big story in UFO circles this month, whether this video is bullshit or not. They even interviewed Stan on the famous Don and Mike radio show here in DC. Radio personality Mike O'mera actually thought it could be real, so perhaps the cutural scale is now leaning towards an acceptance of this reality.

After reading a book by extremely highly regarded UFO researcher and PhD astronomer Jaque Vallee I don't know what to think. Here is the link to the book I just read it's great and you can even buy it at target!!! -|REVELATIONS:_Alien_Contact_and_Human_Deception_:_Books&ref=tgt_adv_XSNG1060

In the book he points out several very well documented UFO cases that were real, but were also likey staged fakes that were extremely intricate in nature Why would someone spend millions of dollars and months of planning to fake a UFO sighting? The evidence certainly suggests this is the case for several big sightings. So I'm afraid this whole issue is much more complicated and convuluted than anyone could possibly imagine.

We have real UFO sightings that are subjective in nature, we have UFO sightings that are not UFO's at all but are faked to make people think UFO's are real, we have obvious fake UFO sightings, and then we have people who are guillable. As Vallee points out, it's like an 'intelligence onion'. In the first layer of this onion maybe you try to get people to think UFO's are fake. In the second layer you get them to think the goverment is covering up a real phenemena. Under the 3rd layer you have people think Aliens run the world and in the next layer........... who knows! At the end you have a bunch of cover stories with partial truths. What is the real truth, I don't know!

I'm afraid it's way stranger than we can believe and the evidence shows that there is a big correlation between real UFO experiences and other paranormal activity. In my mind this would indicate a dimentional aspect to real UFO's and because of the subjective nature, it makes me think that some people are more likely to have extra dimeiontal experiences then others. Of course, this type of science goes way beyond repeating something in a western lab facility other than experiments that show intention can affect matter, but hopefully we will learn more about this in the future, lord knows I don't understand science very well.

In my next email, I will discuss this new book I'm reading about a Brazilian healer named Arigo. It's an amazing story, where basically some Doctors from america (one was a Duke med school grad) go down to check on this brazillian dude who is curing all these sick people including famous politicians and they find out that he is....................... 100% legit! It's one of the best cases of documented paranormal power I've ever encountered, really amazing stuff.

In Brazil he was very famous even rivaling Pele for a period of time. But I think he hated planes (he was a peasant with a 3rd grade education) and didn't want to fly to america for testing. But man, it's about as legit as anything I"ve read, I'll explain more in the next issue. Of course his story is way stranger than you can imagine and invovles the channelling of a German doctor who died in 1918...... Feel to google him, his name was "Arigo" surgeon of the rusty knife.

peace out!


Paranormal Time (5/14/08)

Well well, looky here,

On the front page of Yahoo news the Vatican publicly comes forth that it's okay to believe in aliens. To most this is some goofy "wacky story of the day" piece, but given my research into the topic of UFO's, I can say it is entirely possible this is part of a slow campaign to get people accustomed to the concept, and believe you me I know that sounds kooky but you gotta go where the testimony and evidence takes you no matter how strange it may seem.

Does the Vatican take public announcements lightly when millions of people base their entire lives around what they say? Something to think about, at the very least this story indicates they have thought over this topic and decided it was not at odds with the religion.

As the true modern visionary I am, last week I emailed all of you the blurb below:

"Did you know that a Vatican monsignor is involved in studying the UFO phenomena and has many buddies within the UFO research circles? Yep, his name is Corrado Balducci and many think he was assigned the task by the Vatican to prepare the catholic church for a post UFO disclosure world so the sacred hearts don't freak out and become Satan worshippers. So rest assured, the Catholic church is on the ball and will be able to assimilate to a new world view once the UFO enigma becomes more publicly accepted. Here's a quick wiki entry on this guy, feel free to search around about more info on him - "

Is public disclosure close or even possible??? Stay tuned!!!!!

Paranormal Time (5/7/08)

Greetings y'all,

This issue I will focus on some interesting tidbits you probably didn't know. I'm too lazy to locate and provide all the proof/links to everything so you'll have to do the 'real' research yourself to confirm I'm not making shit up or trust that I'm not dumb (which is a big step I must say)!

Without further ado......


- A Vatican monsignor is involved in studying the UFO phenomena and has many buddies within the UFO research circles? Yep, his name is Corrado Balducci and many think he was assigned the task by the Vatican to prepare the catholic church for a post UFO disclosure world so the sacred hearts don't freak out and become satan worshippers. So rest assured, the Catholic church is on the ball and will be able to assimilate to a new world view once the UFO enigma becomes more publicly accepted. Here's a quick wiki entry on this guy, feel free to search around about more info on him -


- That the founder of the National Inquirer had strong CIA ties and that many think the paper's mission was to discredit UFO's in the public sphere? If that's the case, mission accomplished! Here is a wiki article on that dude,

I would encourage anyone to search around more on this topic, I have seen official government documents that have made clear the official policy about UFO's is to discredit witnesses. Here is a good site with tons of government ufo docs, keep in mind the official policy is that the government doesn't investigate UFO's, so why are there tens of thousands of pages on the subject? Hmmmmmmm -


- That the American Military had a psychic spy unit? Yep, this is super confirmed 100% true no speculation. Apparently the Russians were doing studies on psychic phenomena during the cold war and although the US military staff didn't really believe in such things they decided they couldn't let the Russian have the upper hand in case it was effective. To this day, many think these psychic spies/remote viewers are working on locating Osama Bin Laden!


- In public polls over 50% of the US people believe that UFO's are a possibility? You'd never know it though, I think this is because of our natural tendency to avoid any negative feedback from our peers. "Can you believe Larry from accounting believes in UFO's? What a loser!". But get a few beers in people and it's a different story - "Larry from accounting is so cool, he's a visionary!" -


- Hillary Clinton likely has been briefed about the UFO phenomena by Lawrence Rockefeller? Don't believe me, well there just happen to be hundreds of government docs that support this possibility - The only registered UFO lobbyist in Bethesda is working 24/7 to make sure the press knows about this and asks her about this in any upcoming debates/press conferences. But the press since the 1960's has a shitty track record on this subject so we'll probably never hear why she spent a weekend at his ranch directly after Lawrence spent months courting the Clintons to have the opportunity to talk to them about the UFO issue.


- Grant Cameron, a guy who filed tons of FOIA requests about UFO's to the Clinton library has seriously pissed off the right wing muckrakers who now have to wait in line behind all his wacky UFO requests from the Clinton library before they can try and dig up some dirt on Hillary? Yep, 100% true dat!


- Jimmy Carter filed an official UFO sighting report when he was governor of Georgia?


- That the governments official public reports on Roswell has more holes than Swiss cheese? The most recent Air Force report on Roswell which was put together due to public pressure only a few years ago (50+ years after the original report), says that the 'bodies' that witnesses saw in 1947 were actually parachute dummies that were not manufactured until the mid 1950's????? What? Who let the air force intern write this report???

Here's a quick quote I found about this:

"A few weeks before the GAO released its own report in June 1995, columnist Jack Anderson of the Washington Post wrote that GAO investigators didn't believe the Air Force. They were "quietly skeptical about whether the U.S. Air Force told the truth" and were "not satisfied with the Air Force explanation," though they didn't believe the Air Force was covering up a UFO incident. However, one GAO source told Anderson, "...we do believe that something did happen at Roswell... Something big. We don't know if it was a plane that crashed with a nuclear device on it ... or if it was some other experimental situation. But everything we've seen so far points to an attempt on the part of the Air Force to lead anybody that looks at this down another track." [11]


- Former Presidential Candidate Bill Richardson isn't satisfied with the official Roswell report either:
"Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, who headed the United States Department of Energy under President Clinton, apparently found the results provocative. In 2004, he wrote in a forward to The Roswell Dig Diaries, that "the mystery surrounding this crash has never been adequately explained—not by independent investigators, and not by the U.S. government."


- Jon Podesta is a UFO a closet UFO fanatic?

- The Government's official report on UFO in general called "Project Blue Book" is also bullshit :)

I am too lazy to keep going but you get the picture, something is going on. In the next issue I will recap my experience at the X Conference in Gaithersburg a couple weeks ago. Good times!

Until then, keep you eye to the sky yo!

Paranormal Time (1/27/08)

Here is a quick synopsis of the latest UFO news............

Firstly, the reporter who broke the UFO news story in Stephenville, Texas which got so much mainstream press has left her job. At the bottom of this email I pasted a brief synopsis by a reporter from the Herald Tribune which I think provides a good balance. ....interesting...........

Secondly, a new book recently came out which researched that more US military aircraft crashed domestically in 1952 by far, than in any other year and the number even rivals crashes in war time Korea. This is also the year we had the most UFO sightings and the military publically declared we would shoot UFO's down on sight. Coincidence? You'll have to read the book, it's called - "Shoot them Down" and is available on Amazon, although I hear it's kind of boring unless you are really into the stuff.

Finally, I just finished the famous New York Times Best Seller from the 1990's - "The Day After Roswell". This book was written by an army intelligence officer who had a very distinguished career. He worked as an intelligence officer in Germany, the Pentagon, and later he worked for Strom Thurmond among others. As far as I can tell and from everything I've read on this book, there is not a significant reason to not believe what Corso wrote, except for the fact that it is scary and completely at odds with the current accepted reality.

Among other many other things he writes about, he states that Regean's 'Star Wars' program underlaying justification is the Soviet and United State's fear of the UFO's that had been survielling our nuclear weapons facilities, buzzing our astraunauts when they were in space, abducting innnocent civiliations for thier research and sending electromagnetic pulses at some of our military craft. He goes into some details about this and about how the entire UFO issue is hardly ever discussed except in very very small compartmentalized circles. In fact, Army Intelligence knew very little in comparison to those in the real inner circle which was constantly changing and evloving and being devled into already funded projects under various labels that are hard to track etc.............. In other words, there is no 'single' paper trail anyone would ever find on UFO's, it's highly compartmentalized. Corso has since passed away, but I highly recommend his book to anyone and I think there is a high probability there is a lot of truth to his story.

Here is a clip of Reagan talking about war with Aliens which he apparenlty brought up a number of times copletely unsolicited in public speaches and here is a clip (which may be fake, I don't know?), of a pulse weapon being fired at a UFO. According to Corso, the 'Star Wars' program was a lot more succesfull then the public knows and continues to this day and the UFO issues really helped bring us closer to the Russians during the cold war. ????????

Here is the overview from about the stephensville reporter from a very reliable Herald Tribune blog that is done by a reporter:

"Over the weekend, the blogosphere percolated over the sudden departure of Angelia Joiner, the reporter whose coverage of a spectacular UFO that buzzed the small Texas town on Jan. 8 created a national/international stir. The story gained additional momentum when the bumbling Air Force, after first denying it had any planes in the air (as witnesses also claimed), later admitted it put 10 F-16s up that same evening on a “routine” training mission.

Joiner, whose reporting drew the attention of CNN’s Larry King, stayed with it until early last week. And then, according to Joiner’s e-mails publicized over the Internet, “my directions were to move on to something else” despite “record sales” for January. Joiner alluded to a city councilman telling the Empire-Tribune management that the “whole thing was an embarrasment to the town.”

Rather than back off, Joiner said she submitted her two-week resignation notice — only to be terminated within days. “I'm devastated and still in shock,” she wrote.

Now there’s a big Internet stink wafting over the Empire-Tribune about management caving into government pressure. And Vanden Berge can’t defend the paper’s actions on the record because “I can’t comment on personnel issues.” What she can say is that the Emp-Trib has a staff of three reporters. Three. Ouch. You don’t have to squint to read between those lines.

De Void was unable to reach Joiner for comment, but a look at her last two stories — on Feb. 3-4 — shows the problem. Both were extended interviews with a UFO eyewitness named Ricky Sorrells. Both had one source: Ricky Sorrells.

Following the paper’s initial UFO story, dozens of other area residents reportedly phoned to share their own eyewitness accounts. But so far, Sorrells has been the only one to claim he was told to shut up about it over the phone by an unidentified military officer; the only one getting harassed by military helicopters in the middle of the night; the only one to report being visited by a lone, threatening figure who kept his distance in the middle of the night; and the only one who found an unused bullet as a portentious souvenir of that visit.

Sorrells may be entirely credible. If so, with a story of this nature, he needed help, from either corroborating witnesses, or character vouchers from friends or family. Instead, the guy comes off looking paranoid. Which does him no favors.

Given how the libertarian Cato Institute recently fired adjunct professor Dom Armentano (De Void, 1/30/08) simply for expressing written opinions about UFOs, it’s tempting to make ominous First Amendment connections here. But the most appropriate file for this “personnel issue” is: Need More Data."

Paranormal Time (1/24/08)

The sighting in Texas continues to get tons of press, from Larry King to Bill O'Reily to NBC to ABC news, just go to google and do a 'news' search for UFO and you will see hundreds of articles on this sighting.

One thing of note is that the Air Force was caught lieing about it. In many UFO cases the military will swoop in at the end and try and chase down a given UFO (which they never can) and in this particular case that is what happened after the alleged mile long UFO went through texas. The Airforce denied being in the area but after 2 weeks of being called out on lieing they finally admitted they were doing some 'testing' in the area, which is bs. I don't think our military has a firm grasp on this issue and the UFO's are in fact violating US Airspace and potentially messing with citizens if abductions do turn out to be a real phenomena which I think they most likely are in some cases. Here are just a couple of the several articles about the airforce's claims -

Paranormal Time (1/8/08)

Well most major news outlets are now covering the texas ufo sighting, which have taken on a life of their own in the media and I honestly don't understand it.

Very strange for the reasons I mentioned before, there is nothing exceptional about these sightings when compared to tons of other larger, stranger, and undeniable sightings in the past. This is like the Joe Smith of sightings. Yes Joe Smith is a solid NBA veteran, but he's hardly worth giving air time too when you got someone like Lebron James!

Anyhow, the POST has an interesting tidbit and at the end of it there is an online poll. The result of the online poll so far shows way more people believing that aliens are visiting earth then are not visiting earth. The people who read these polls are more likely to be supportive of course, but still interesting:

On a side note, here is something you must check out (I may have already sent this I'm not sure??). Through the freedom of information act numerous documents show that Lawrence Rockefeller sought to engage President Bill Clinton about the UFO topic and Bill and Hilary actually spent a weekend at his ranch during this time, which one could easily speculate that they at some point discussed UFO's. Don't believe me?

Here are the documents, just scroll down to get started, they speak for themselves:

Paranormal Time (11/27/07)

In the 1990's Lawrence Rockefeller started an initiative to get Bill Clinton to try and uncover the UFO secrecy in the military industrial complex. In the end, despite having his advisors briefed on the subject, Clinton did not pursue this, but he was certainly made aware of it. Some think he didn't want to tackle such a big issue, others think he was scared he'd end up being targeted even more.

Regardless, you can now view some of the 'official' paper trail of this iniative online via government documentation collected through the Freedom of Information Act (FOI).

While Rockefeller did a good job of collecting credible content in this iniative, I think his failing was not to put together a top notch PR team to take this content to the next level and to get it out on a large scale.

Here is the link, scroll down to see the actual documents or feel free to read through the press stories on it at the top!


Here is an alleged transcript from Monday's National Press Club Press Conference urging the US Government to investigate the UFO phenonmenon, very very interesting, it's mostly foreign military personal, mostly pilots. Definitely check it out, some really cool events that were investigated by professional military-

Paranormal Time (11/13/08)

1. A group of pilots from around the world had a press conference on Monday at the National Press Club in DC to put pressure on the gov to release info. Here are some articles about it, it was covered by many mainstream publications:

2. They are continuing to put pressure on Nasa to release info on a famous UFO crash in Pennsylvania, there are many more articles about this put I just chose one:,,2209114,00.html?

Hopefully this issue will brought up again in upcoming debates!

Until next time.....................

Paranormal Time (8/27/07)

I've been noticing a trend for the last few years, basically every week there are several UFO sightings that get covered in local legit publications across the country. These sightings rarely get national attention. Just search google or yahoo news with the keyword "ufo" once a week and you'll see what I'm talking about, a lot of legit articles that don't get picked up by mainstream press also include interviews with whistleblowers that never get picked up either.

I'd say about once a month there will be a really large sighting that gains a little mainstream attention. Recently in England there was a big sighting where a couple hundred people outside of a bar spent around 30 mins watching UFO's. At Chicago's airport there also a big sighting a few months ago.

Since UFO's are real thing to me, the 'real' news I'm now looking for are evidence of either the Governments intentions on releasing information, or the intentions UFO's have on humans. In other words, I will be a lot pickier in sending out news links since there are so many minor ones!!!

Paranormal Time (8/14/08)

There is a new academic paper published in the 'Journal of Political Theory' about UFO's which written by a couple professors. An editorial piece about the paper is linked below from the "Inside Higher Education Web" site as well as some choice quotes I pasted.

Even after countless thousands of UFO reports from all over the world – often by members of the military – the nearly 200 nation-states “have been notably uninterested” in the phenomenon. “One may speak of a ‘UFO taboo,’” write Wendt and Duvall, “a prohibition in the authoritative public sphere on taking UFOs seriously, or ‘thou shalt not try very hard to find out what UFOs are.’”

“Our puzzle,” they explain, “is not the familiar question of ufology, ‘What are UFOs?’ but, ‘Why are they dismissed by the authorities?’ Why is human ignorance not only unacknowledged, but so emphatically denied? In short, why a taboo?”

The pattern of avoidance is, the answer, “akin to denial in psychoanalysis: the sovereign represses the UFO out of fear about what it would reveal about itself. There is therefore nothing for the sovereign to do but turn its gaze away from – to ignore, and hence be ignorant of – the UFO, making no decision at all.”

“Those who attempt it will have difficulty funding and publishing their work,” write Wendt and Duvall, “and their reputations will suffer.”

Wendt and Duvall mention a few cases where governments have, in fact, conducted studies of UFO sightings. But clearly they were efforts to dismiss the question.

Paranormal Time (8/19/08)

As I predicted, the BigFoot thing was a big hoax. Here's National Geographics take -

Why someone would take the time to fake this? Probably the same reason people audition for reality TV shows :)

Meanwhile, the only modern journalist who actually follows up on the fact that there are truck loads of evidence that UFO's are real continues to do his job, and do it very well. Billy Cox from the Herald Tribune actually followed up with the Air Force regarding their official comment on the FAA's very real radar reports of the recent Texas UFO. You know, the 1,000 foot craft seen by dozens of people which was captured on radar heading towards George Bush's ranch traveling between 1,000 MPH and then slowing to 50 MPH while being chased by half a dozen F16's, which the air force initially denied until they changed their story 2 weeks later. Oh yeah, that one :)

Amazing that a real journalist actually followed up on strong tangible UFO evidence. You'd think something like this would equal big ratings for any news agency yet no one follows up? If you have the time, please read Billy Cox's 2 editorials from his "De Void" blog below, you will not be disappointed the man is actually doing his job!

USAF still silent on Stephenville

By Billy Cox

Published: Friday, August 15, 2008 at 4:42 p.m.

It’s been five quiet and patient days now since De Void began pressing the U.S. Air Force for a response to MUFON’s report on the UFO tracked by FAA radar near Stephenville, Tex., on Jan. 8.

The unenviable man in the middle is Maj. Karl Lewis, the media chief for the 301st Fighter Wing at the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base at Carswell Field. On Monday, Lewis said he hadn’t read the analysis, released in July, so he couldn’t address its conclusions.

De Void sent him the link at, and followed up with phone calls. Lewis, who’s already been burned once by getting caught outside the information loop, said Wednesday he was kicking it upstairs for comment. On Friday, the major said he was still “hammering away” for a response.

De Void doesn’t expect much; a simple “no comment” would suffice. Government bureaucracies are all pretty much alike, and the Air Force’s public position that it no longer collects UFO data is like the Drug Enforcement Administration’s robotic insistence that marijuana is a Schedule I drug on par with heroin and crank. Never let massive evidence to the contrary alter policy positions that might affect federal funding.

The downside of such calcified obstinacy is that it makes loyal employees charged with disseminating official nonsense to the real world look worthless.

When Lewis was initially queried in January about witnesses seeing the UFO being pursued by jet fighters, he said they probably mistook the planes for airliners because the USAF had nothing in the sky that night. Nearly two weeks later, Lewis had to reverse himself and said there were 10 F-16s in the vicinity.

Because the MSM never follows up on UFOs, the USAF paid no penalty for its initial obfuscation. But last month, MUFON used civilian radar records to profile an aircraft without a transponder making a beeline for restricted airspace over President Bush’s “Western White House” in Crawford. FAA data indicates jet inteceptors never responded.

Even though civilian agencies had no trouble complying with MUFON’s Freedom of Information Act requests, the military refused to release uncensored flight logs of its planes, and claimed it couldn’t find its own radar records from that night.

Memo to the brass: Do the right thing. Issue a “no comment” press release on Stephenville and quit hanging people like Karl Lewis out to dry.

For candor, try history

Hey kids: Once upon a time, back in the 1950s, the Air Force not only acknowledged the reality of UFOs, but also the fact that its top-shelf warplanes were ineffectual at containing insolent bogeys routinely violating restricted American air space without authorization.

These days, the USAF is forced to pretend it’s not happening and hope Americans won’t do anything drastic, like put pressure on their elected officials to squeeze the books. It’s a dysfunctional way of doing business, but the big bluff been working well enough for nearly 40 years.

While French, British and a number of other foreign governments continue to dribble out bits and pieces of what their respective defense networks have been monitoring Up There, you have to go back half a century to find any redeeming candor among the American military establishment re UFOs. If you’re unacquainted with the material, visit the library.

Go back to 1956 and “The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects,” by former USAF Capt. Edward Ruppelt. Ruppelt has his share of critics charging the late director of Project Blue Book with back-channel deceptions of his own. Whatever. Try to imagine a contemporary USAF official starting off a book today with an admission that a jet fighter attempted, unsuccessfully, to blow one of those infuriating UFOs out of the sky with cannon fire.

The event occurred in the summer of 1952, when two F-86 Sabrejets were scrambled in response to a bogey bearing down on a U.S. air base whose identity Ruppelt declines to name. The pilot who got a visual described it as shaped “like a doughnut without a hole.” He opened fire on the thing from about 1,000 yards, then watched it leave him behind on a lighting-quick climb.

Adding another layer of intrigue was how the unit group commander ordered the incident report destroyed. The only reason Ruppelt found out was that an extra copy had been smuggled out to Air Technical Intelligence Center in Dayton, Ohio, which was charged with trying to figure this stuff out.

And those were the good ol’ days.

It’s now Day 8 in De Void’s efforts to get a USAF reply to the FAA radar records that tracked a UFO closing to within 10 miles of the Bush Ranch in Crawford, Tex., on Jan. 8. Not even Houdini could hold his breath that long.