Saturday, September 6, 2008


i've been waiting all week to watch the UFC pay per view. For the fucking 3rd time in a row I am unable to order a UFC pay per view because COMCAST is so inefficient it's mind blowing.

to order the pay per view I have to call them. Why can't I order it through the fucking TV? Because that would actually make a lot of sense!!! So I try calling them first thing this morning to make sure I can get the fight that will be on at 10pm tonight.

However, I am put on hold for an hour and a half. great, it's not like I have anything else to fucking do today but wait on hold????????????? So right now I'm currently trying to use their online interface to get in touch with them since they don't answer the phone and I can't order through the TV. I'm currently number 50 in their online customer service line. What the fuck????????

Do you want me to give you money or not? You should make it easy as shit for me to order this. I've wasted the entire morning and afternoon on this and this is the fucking 3rd time this has happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What the fuck is wrong with COMCAST???????????? I just don't get and I'm actually tired and bored about complaining about them. How many times can I call them out on their shit??? if they didn't carry the soap opera channel I would have gone to Star power long ago. I am a good husband for putting up with such a terribly inefficient company. They must have some really good friends in the government to be able to continue to operate like this, my God man!!!!!!

1 comment:

DFactor said...

What about going with Verizon? What about burning down their building? What about complaining to the PPV company about how they're losing money from these Comcast idiots.