Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mainstream News Drops the Ball on UFO"s Again for the millionth time!!

Check out this great blog entry from Billy Cox over at the Herable Tribune below. Essentially ABC did a story on UFO's, the type of story that has been done many times with basically nothing new except for some info on the recent Stephenville, Texas incident. However, when discussing this incident they apparently didn't bother to do any investigative research in light of the recent developments of official FAA radar reports 100% confirming everything that witnesses saw and which the air force was caught lying about. Here is a case where there is everything you'd need in a court of law to prove the Air Force is covering up something yet not one person in the mainstream news media has bothered to do their fucking job. Why not??? It would seem to me that unauthorized craft being intercepted by the Air Force headed towards George Bush's ranch with multiple witnesses and FAA radar reports would deserve to be looked into rather than lets say, whether or not Britney Spears farted yesterday. Why isn't the mainstream media following up on this story? Am I missing something? People should be outraged. The best possible scenario is that the US has some top secret craft capable of maneuvers never thought possible and they forgot to coordinate with the Air Force on where they were flying the thing. Honestly though, it's probably more likely this thing was not one of ours, which should be front page earth shaking news. Wake up people, this shit is real and happening every day whether the media wants to admit it or not...........

Read Blog Here>

Hey, ABC: Reporting is believing

Published: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at 1:20 p.m.
Last Modified: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at 5:17 p.m.

Not that the Air Force really had anything to fear from the hacks at ABC News. But you do have to wonder if the brass at Carswell Field outside Fort Worth were splitting a gut during its "PrimeTime" show last night and going, "What a bunch of morons! They're rippin' off Larry King!"

It’s a little too easy to get hung up in the fact that Tuesday evening’s "UFOs: Seeing Is Believing” microwaved 90 minutes of leftovers from Peter Jennings' 2005 report by the same name. Because, yeah, after all, they tossed in the whole laundry basket again — alien abductions, Roswell, the Phoenix Lights, radio astronomers vs. flying saucers, even the same old B-52 incident over Minot, S.D., from 1968.

What made this show such an inadvertent glittering jewel was its utter lack of irony. Because David Muir, the standup blow-dry who had to paint the lipstick on this pig, actually said, "Tonight, we'll report what's new."

He said that.

Now, to be fair, we can't blame it all on David. The guy had a team of writers and producers and probably a bunch of marketing suits armed with flash cards and timers warning that devoting more than six minutes would lose the entire audience.

And did you notice how the narrative made such a breezy transition from the Phoenix Lights to NASA's Phoenix Lander, the probe that discovered ice on Mars? Aside from the word “phoenix,” neither had a thing to do with the other. So that segue had to be a group effort. No one person dreams up that sort of non sequitur by themselves.

The only “What’s New” aspect to “Seeing Is Believing” was the lead segment — the Stephenville, Tex., incident. But ABC’s irresponsible management of it attains tragic proportions only if one assumes investigative journalism, not entertainment, were the imperative.

Let’s (sigh) run through it again real quick: A massive UFO passes over a rural region of north Texas. Multiple witnesses also report jet fighters in hot pursuit. Some contend the bogey was heading toward George Bush’s ranch in Crawford.

A spokesman for the 301st Fighter Wing at the nearby Joint Reserve Base Naval Air Station (Carswell Field) denies any warplanes were in the sky that night. Two weeks later, aware that investigators with the Mutual UFO Network are filing radar records requests with various military and civilian agencies, the USAF realizes it’s about to be caught in a lie. In a pre-emptive motion, it concedes it had 10 F-16s in the air. Conducting “routine” training missions.

All military agencies in receipt of Freedom of Information Act requests from MUFON — as well as the Department of Homeland Security — stonewall the release of radar data. But it’s too late. Federal Aviation Administration and National Weather Service returns tell the story: F-16s were all over the place that night, straying out of their military operating areas and closing to within a mile of the UFO on its southeast trajectory toward Crawford. Nothing routine about this. And when the object bore down on a straight path to the Bush ranch no-fly zone, the military inteceptors were nowhere in the vicinity.

ABC compresses this stuff into a four-minute feature dominated by civilian eyewitnesses. There’s a sound bite with MUFON report co-author Robert Powell. But no serious examination of the radar data, no airing of the redacted flight logs from Carswell, not even any indication that “PrimeTime” attempted to resolve the USAF’s information embargo.

Perversely, “PrimeTime” concluded its broadcast with an exhortation from physicist Michio Kaku, who wondered if UFOs embody the technology needed to circumvent the constraints of time and space: “Let this investigation begin!”

Exactly. Because ABC can't handle it.

Friday, September 12, 2008

It's Not What You Say But How...........

It seems to me that in politics it's often not about what you say but how you say it. This sucks and could be the downfall of the U.S. where image and how you come off is more important than actual substance. This is human nature in some ways and has probably been a common occurance throughout human history.

Let's look at a good example, how about George Bush. Actually he is the classic example and it has been time tested. People in our country are so fucking stupid that they voted for this guy..... twice! During the debates he had with Al Gore it was like I was living on a different planet.

Both candidates would be asked the same question and Al Gore would give this really in depth completely intelligent well researched answer that made complete sense and showed he had in depth knowledge and experience about the given topic. To some however, he came off as arrogant, which he probably was, but you know what, who gives a shit? Wouldn't you rather elect someone who knows what they are doing than worry if they are being a little snooty to someone who obviously doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about?

Then George Bush would try and answer the question and it was like watching someone in the Miss America Padgent answer a question they weren't expecting and he would barely be able to regurgitate some fact that slightly related to the question and it would be obvious to anyone with an IQ above 3 that he was not well read on the subject at all. Then at the end of the debate the commentators would say how George came off pretty well in the public polls after the debate????? What the fuck???????? This is when I stopped paying attention to politics and the polls. I started to question my own reality. Am I missing something? Am I the one who is fucked up? Even worse, is more than 50% of my own country fucked up?

The last two elections showed me that the majority of American's don't care about substance or content, they just care about image. It's more important to stay the course and be a stubborn badass and be totally wrong then take a more well reasonded approach based on thorough research and anyalysis and be flexible to change if the initial research is shown to be inaccurate. People would rather have Jon Wanye be in charge than Aticus Finch, and this is coming from someone like me who loves watching the Ultimate Fighting Championship and watches people beat the shit out of each other every day to relax!

Hence, the movie Idiocracy is so accurate in some ways it's almost scary. And the fact the movie Idiocracy (staring Luke Wilson and Directed by Mike Judge) isn't as well known in the country is purely because of the topics the movie spoofs on, corporate power and lowest common denomenator thinking. Fox basically did zero promotion for this movie and it had a very limited release and went straight to video. IMO this is because this movie is an endightment of the corporate culture we live in where people don't bother to look for substance they just want sound bytes spoon fed to them in the form of the lower common denomenator.

This is pefectly personified in the movie by what is the equivalent of 'Gatoraide' which in the movie is called 'Brawno'. Here's the scoop about Brawno, it has electrolytes which is something you really need according to their campaign. But what are electrolytes? No one in the movie knows what they are, they just know that your body needs them and Brawno can give them to you. Therefore, you need Brawno.

Why are we going to Iraq when the people who committed 911 are not from Iraq?
Because we have to go to Iraq, they may have WMD's.
But what does that have to do with 911?
We have to go to Iraq and if you don't see why your not patriotic and you just don't get it.
But I want to be patriotic and 'get it'!
Okay, so you must agree with me.
Okay, lets go kick Sadams ass!
Are there Electrolytes in Iraq?

Meanwhile inside Dick Cheaney's mind:
"I can't believe it's happening! Finally a reason to invade Iraq, this is gonna be great, we can control the oil there, get rid of the asshole in charge and in the process generate billions of dollars for the US industrial complex! Total win win, after all, none of my kids have to go fight and you know those who have to fight chose to fight, so that's on them. This will be a great thing for the country. We'll be in and out, secure oil, and make some corporate money........." Fast forward years later......................

For the love of God I hope humans evolve before Global Warming creates a new ice age or we are gonna be up the creek killing each other to survive like Lord of the Flies!

And this is why I like to drink on the weekends!!!! God help us all.

Is Our Airspace Really Secure??????

Check this out from Journalist Billy Cox's Blog on the Herald Tribune Website -

* Thursday, September 11, 2008, 12:57 pm
9/11's Potemkin Village
by Billy Cox

As the nation pauses for 9/11, let us also remember that, despite billions of dollars invested in a new security bureaucracy, American airspace is no more secure today than it was seven years ago.

Federal Aviation Administration radar records indicate that the U.S. Air Force was powerless to stop a mysterious aerial incursion from surging toward President Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Tex., in January. The 77-page analysis posted by the Mutual UFO Network in July has been neither challenged nor rebutted by military officials. Nor have any scientists emerged to take issue with any of the technical points raised by the MUFON study.

Nor have government authorities bothered to refute last year’s study assembled by the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena. That 155-page report described how a UFO parked itself over the United Airlines terminal at Chicago’s busy O’Hare International for 18 minutes while ground crews watched the object burn a circular hole in the cloud cover upon its departure.

Our government’s refusal to acknowledge these meticulously detailed reconstructions, along with the media’s failure to press for answers, creates a vacuum that can only be filled by vigilant taxpayers demanding accountability from this Potemkin Village. Maybe the citizens of Arizona are best positioned to elevate this conundrum into what it’s been all along — a political issue.

Long before the “Phoenix Lights” incident drew international attention in 1997, Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater made repeated and now well-publicized attempts to flesh out the UFO mystery. But not even the lion of modern conservatism could get past the locked doors of Gen. Curtis LeMay, the former Air Force Chief of Staff.

Several months after countless Arizonans were startled by the massive UFO cruising their skies 11 years ago, Goldwater’s successor, John McCain, defended the military cover story that warplanes were conducting routine maneuvers that night in a letter to a constituent (at

“I believe that these exercises, culminating in the release of many flares simultaneously, provide a reasonable explanation for the appearance of the peculiar lights that evening.”

Several years later, however, when asked at a press conference about UFOs, McCain wasn’t laughing (see “I think it’s of great interest. I would point out to you that there was a case a couple of years ago in Arizona of some lights that were seen over Arizona and that has never been fully explained.”

So which is it? What does McCain know?

In 2007, fellow Republican Fife Symington, the former Arizona governor who initially ridiculed the Phoenix Lights, admitted he’d seen the damned thing himself. He called it “enormous. It just felt otherworldly. In your gut, you could just tell it was otherworldly."

It’s time for the “maverick” presidential candidate to figure out what’s going down in his own back yard. There’s never been a better moment for the folks who put McCain in office to demand a little more straight talk at the next town hall forum.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


i've been waiting all week to watch the UFC pay per view. For the fucking 3rd time in a row I am unable to order a UFC pay per view because COMCAST is so inefficient it's mind blowing.

to order the pay per view I have to call them. Why can't I order it through the fucking TV? Because that would actually make a lot of sense!!! So I try calling them first thing this morning to make sure I can get the fight that will be on at 10pm tonight.

However, I am put on hold for an hour and a half. great, it's not like I have anything else to fucking do today but wait on hold????????????? So right now I'm currently trying to use their online interface to get in touch with them since they don't answer the phone and I can't order through the TV. I'm currently number 50 in their online customer service line. What the fuck????????

Do you want me to give you money or not? You should make it easy as shit for me to order this. I've wasted the entire morning and afternoon on this and this is the fucking 3rd time this has happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What the fuck is wrong with COMCAST???????????? I just don't get and I'm actually tired and bored about complaining about them. How many times can I call them out on their shit??? if they didn't carry the soap opera channel I would have gone to Star power long ago. I am a good husband for putting up with such a terribly inefficient company. They must have some really good friends in the government to be able to continue to operate like this, my God man!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

When You Shoot From The Hip, You Better Watch Your Feet!

John McCaine's new campaign slogan should be "When you shoot from the hip you better watch your feet!" Unfortunately for him, he shot his foot with his VP selection.

This is from the PR Industry Website - Daily Dog, Enjoy!!

"At the least, Republicans close to the campaign said it was increasingly apparent that Palin had been selected as McCain's running mate with more haste than McCain advisers initially described. People familiar with the process said Palin had responded to a standard form with more than 70 questions. Although the Washington Post quoted advisers to McCain as saying Palin had been subjected to an FBI background check, an FBI official said Monday the bureau did not vet potential candidates and had not known of her selection until it was made public.

In Alaska, several state leaders and local officials said they knew of no efforts by the McCain campaign to find out more information about Palin before the announcement of her selection, Although campaigns are typically discreet when they make inquiries into potential running mates, officials in Alaska said they thought it was peculiar that no one in the state had the slightest hint that Palin might be under consideration.

"They didn't speak to anyone in the Legislature, they didn't speak to anyone in the business community," Lyda Green, the State Senate president, who lives in Wasilla, where Palin served as mayor, told the Times."

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sarah Palin

So John McCain chooses an inexperienced hyper religious person to be his running mate. She is very pro life and is a creationist (evolution isn't real). Very interesting.

Did I mention her policy towards teen pregnancy is to promote abstinence instead of educating kids about birth control, yet her own daughter (who I feel very sorry for) chose to ignore this rule of abstinence and is now a pregnant teenager? Maybe if she had educated her own daughter about birth control she wouldn't be another teenage pregnancy statistic. Obviously there is a disconnect there which the Republicans are spinning into a positive because she didn't have an abortion so this shows how pro life she is. WTF???? It's her fucking daughters decision isn't it? Her daughter chose to have unprotected sex and has also chosen to have the kid. Good for her daughter, too bad her mom has now made her situation a nationally covered public news story. What's more important, being a Vice Presidential candidate or making sure your daughter is able to successfully cope with an unexpected pregnancy away from the public eye??? I guess ambition is more important than your family in this case, granted being a Vice Presidential Candidate is a once in a lifetime chance, so I can't totally blame her, in her mind it's probably justified as the 'greater good'.

Sarah Palin also was reportedly invovled in 'Alaska's Independance' movement in the 1990's, whereby Alaskans for many years have tried to revote on whether to continue to be part of the US in favor of joining Canada or being their own country. Wow. That's not exactly partiotic. Mr. McCain are you sure you did a background check on Sarah before you named her as your running mate? Are you going to be this thorough if you are elected into office? Of course I am biased because I don't like people who like to mix religion and politics (by the way isn't there a rule against this and isn't this the entire reason the pilgrims came to this country?).

I was a religion major in college and I can tell you having read the bible a couple time that if you are looking to justify something, it's in there. Want to justify murdering innocent people? Just look in the bible. Want to justify incest? It's in there as well. Want to read about beings (they are called the Nephilim ) coming down from the skies and then raping woman on Earth? Oh yeah, it's in Genesis, you want it, it's in there.

Of course there is also great wisdom in the bible as well, but to use it as the only authority on right and wrong when there are clearly many unethical things that go down in the bible on behalf of God is opening yourself up to critism from people like me who actually studied this stuff from a semi objective veiwpoint (aka my parents didn't force me to believe any of this stuff!). To pick out bits of pieces of the book that support your individual agenda is called 'prooftexting' and I suspect that prooftexting is responsible for millions of deaths just by itself. And this is from someone (me!) who thinks the bible is cool and is willing to consider much of it as possible although a product of a bygone error (no need to sacrifice a goat before every season anymore!), so I'm far from an anti religous/bible person, I'm just someone who is a critic of being completely incosistent and misleading to oneself.

Anywho, the next blog entry will probably be on UFO's and Nukes. There is a history on the presence of UFO's near nuclear silos in the US which in some instances have either shut down or even engaged the launch sequence of our nukes. Pretty crazy I know, but there is significant witness testimony and documentation that this has happened on several occasions.

What does this mean? I have no idea how to interpret the actions of some potentially super advanced species, but it's still fun to guess!